Part 20

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'You head downstairs to see Harrison and Kristen making brunch'

Kristen: Hey guys! We made brunch!

Tom: Wow! Thank you, it smells amazing

Harrison: I should hope so, it's all of our favorite foods!

You: You guys are too much

Kristen: We just wanted to cheer you up

You: Well it's slowly working

'You all sit outside, enjoying brunch, and a little bit of normalcy'

You: Hey, can I do your hair, Kristen? I saw something on insta that would look amazing on you, and I want to keep myself distracted

Kristen: OMG YES! Let's go!

Tom's POV

Tom: You're really going to do it, aren't you?

Harrison: Yeah, I'm so excited

Tom: I can't believe you're going to ask Kristen to marry you!

Harrison: I can't wait to see her face. I hope it lights up just like y/n's did

Tom: Uhh I miss that face

Harrison: How has she been doing?

Tom: She's getting better, but I've stopped asking though because I don't want to make her more upset

Harrison: Sometimes all you can do for her, is just show her you're there for her

Tom: I guess, I just wish I could have my y/n back

Harrison: She'll be back don't worry

Your POV

Kristen: Wow, y/n, this looks amazing!

You: See? What did I tell you?

Kristen: You did an amazing job! Wait! Can you match my makeup to it?

You: Yeah, I can try my best

'You finish Kristen make-up'

Tom: Kristen you look amazing! y/n you did such a good job

'Tom hugs you from behind and kisses your head'

'He whispers:' Is she almost ready?

You: Yeah, I just have to grab her dress

Kristen: My dress? What's happening right now?

Tom: It's a surprise!

'You grab the dress and Kristen puts it on, she's beautiful. Then you all head to the car to go'

Kristen: Oh great, I got dressed up to be the third wheel

'You and Tom look at each other and laugh'

Tom: You're not a third wheel relax

'You get to a park uptown and you all walk-in'

You: Stay here and face that direction, no peeking

Kristen: Ok, don't you dare pull any games

Tom: We aren't

'You and Tom walk away and wish Harrison luck'

Tom: You got this Harrison

You: She loves you so much, remember that

'Harrison walks up to Kristen and gives her his speech and then gets down on one knee'

Harrison: Kristen, will you marry me?

Kristen: Oh my god...yes! Yes, I'll marry you!

'You run up to Kristen and give her the biggest hug'

You: I'm so happy for you!

Kristen: I can't believe this is happening

You: You're going to be so happy together

Harrison: Tom, look at her. That's the y/n we all love

Tom: I missed that smile

'You look over at Tom and noticed him looking at you'

You: What?

Tom: I missed this

You: Missed what?

Tom: This you, your smile, and your happiness

You: Oh Spidey, you're too sweet

Tom: Can you stay like this forever?

You: As long as your recovery goes well, Jacob stays away, and there are no more surprise visits from my parents

Tom: I'll make sure all your wishes come true

'He grabs your hand and gives you a kiss'

Harrison: Come on guys! It's dinner time!

Kristen: Yeah let's go!

'You all head to dinner and you're finally starting to feel better'

Tom: Here's to Kristen and Harrison

You: To Kristen and Harrison

Kristen: I love you guys

Harrison: Yeah and thanks for helping me

Tom: We'd do anything for you guys

'You all head back to Tom's place. Kristen and Harrison head to his house. You and Tom head to his room'

Tom: Do I dare ask you how you are?

You: What do you mean dare?

Tom: Well I haven't asked how you are because I don't want to make you upset

You: Tom, you could never make me upset. And I think I'm okay

Tom: You think you're okay?

You: Well, to be honest, I don't know. I'm still working back from the anxiety again

Tom: How long did it take the first time?

You: About 6 months after the stitches came out

Tom: Why after and not during?

You: Well during he was still in rehab. I got my stitches out just short of a month after it happened. It happened after because he was out of rehab and he could hurt me again

Tom: Oh, that makes sense. Well I've got you now and I won't let anything happen to you, I promise

You: Do you promise to keep asking how I am?

Tom: Yeah, I promise

'You both head off to bed and you snuggle up to Tom'

Tom: I've missed this

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