Part 135

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You: I-I'm pregnant

Kristen: What?!

Tom: Are you serious?!

'You nod and start to cry'

You: I didn't think this could happen...

Kristen: I did

Tom: How?

Kristen: I just kept wishing you two would get pregnant every chance I had

You: You didn't have to do that

Kristen: Yeah, I did. The last doctor you went to showed me all the information. There was a chance this would happen

You: So, why did she say no?

Kristen: She didn't want you to get your hopes up and she wanted you to be safe about trying

Tom: Shortie, this is amazing!

You: I start my job in two months. I can't travel the last 3-4 months of the pregnancy. I don't even know how far I am now

Tom: That's okay. We'll figure it all out. I'll make you an appointment tomorrow, and I'll come with you

Kristen: This is a good thing y/n, I promise

'Kristen and Tom head to bed. You go to the kitchen for some water when Sam comes down'

Sam: Hey

You: Oh, hey. Is everything okay?

Sam: For once, yeah. I just need some water. Are you okay?

You: I think so

Sam: You think?

You: ...yeah

Sam: Alright, what's going on?

You: I don't want to jinx this, this is a good thing

Sam: Wait...are you?

'You give him a smile'

Sam: I thought you couldn't

You: So, did I. Tom's going to make me an appointment for me tomorrow. Please don't tell anyone

Sam: I won't, don't worry

You: So, how are you doing?

Sam: I'm going the right way finally

You: That's great!

Sam: Yeah, I'm almost done with the meds and I only talk to Dr. Louis twice a month

You: I'm so proud of you

Sam: I got here because of you

You: What?

Sam: I hid all my feelings, thinking nobody cared. When you came into my room that night, every feeling changed. You're the reason I agreed to get help. I got the help because my sister cared enough about me

'You give him a giant hug'

You: Thank you for agreeing Sam. I'm so glad you see me as your sister

Sam: All of us do. I think we were more excited you were marrying Tom than Tom was

You: You guys mean the world to me, always remember that Sam. I'm always here, no matter what you're going through

Sam: Thank you, y/n. Goodnight

You: Night Sam

'You still weren't tired, so you went to sit on the back deck. The crashing waves were so calm and peaceful and finally calmed your thoughts'

Harrison: Hey, what are you doing out here?

You: I'm not really tired, I've got a lot on my mind

Harrison: Like what? You can tell me

You: Well, it turns out I might be pregnant

Harrison: Oh my god! Congratulations!

You: Thanks. I'm just really scared I either won't have the time with my job or something will happen before it's born

Harrison: That's what doctors' appointments are for. And trust me, you will raise that baby in your own unique way

You: They can't grow up on a set Harrison, and where would they go to school? Here? New York? LA?

Harrison: You still have time to figure all that out

You: It's closer than you think

Harrison: Look, you have plenty of time to think about all of that. First, you need to confirm you're actually pregnant

You: What if I'm not? Tom would be so upset

Harrison: He might be, but sometimes those tests are wrong

You: I guess, I just don't want to let Tom down

Harrison: I don't think you ever could. I mean, look, you just got the job of a lifetime. Even if you aren't pregnant, he's still so proud of you

You: You think so?

Harrison: Yeah. He loves you...a lot. He wants the best for you

You: Thank you, Harrison. I really needed to have this conversation

Harrison: I'm happy you were comfortable enough to share with me. Goodnight y/n

You: Goodnight Harrison

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