Part 55

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'Tom's parents run out to see you on the floor'

Mrs. Holland: I'll call the ambulance

Mr. Holland: There's no time. Tom, help me get y/n into the car

You: Tom, I don't feel so good

Tom: I know darling I know, just stay with me

'On your way to the hospital, you pass out. They rush you into surgery and Tom won't relax, sit down, or eat'

Tom's POV

Doctor: Is there anyone here for y/n Holland?

Tom: Yeah, my family and I are here

Mrs. Holland: Is she okay?

Doctor: She will be fine. She's finishing up in surgery right now, they're just stitching her up. Then she'll be back to a room. When that happens, I'll come back

Mr. Holland: Great, thank you so much

Mrs. Holland: Now, Tom come eat okay?

Tom: Not hungry mom

Mrs. Holland: Tom, at least sit-down

Tom: Fine, but I don't want to

Mr. Holland: She's going to be okay

Tom: I know, but I guess we'll be heading to New York later

Mrs. Holland: What do you mean?

Tom: We were going to leave after our honeymoon, but I don't think we should do the honeymoon or New York

Mrs. Holland: What if going there is better?

Tom: I don't know, maybe

Mr. Holland: When does y/n start her new job?

Tom: As soon as we get on set

Mrs. Holland: Are you sure she can handle that?

Tom: I'm not sure

'Tom's parents ask him so many questions he starts pacing again'

Mrs. Holland: Tom, are you okay?

Tom: NO! I'M NOT OKAY! How do you think I'm okay? This night was supposed to be perfect! She was so worried it wouldn't be perfect, and our ceremony and reception were. Everything went downhill on our way home

Mrs. Holland: Tom, honey, relax

Tom: Don't tell me to relax mom. How can I relax when I messed up so bad?

Mr. Holland: You didn't mess up

Tom: Yes, I did! I promised to keep her safe and I can't even do that! And on her birthday no less...

Doctor: I hate to intrude, but you can see y/n now. You can go one at a time

Mrs. Holland: Thank you very much

Mr. Holland: Tom you go, we'll be out here

'Tom follows the doctor to a room'

Your POV

'You're hooked up to a bunch of wires and machines from losing so much blood'

Doctor: Here you go

Tom: Thank you, sir

You: Spidey?

Tom: Hi shortie, you doing okay?

You: I'm better now. Come here...please?

'Tom sits next to you and you lay your head on his shoulder, and start to cry'

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