Part 70

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'You head downstairs and make yourself dinner. You change into sweats and a t-shirt when you're done to go over more film'

Harrison: Hey, Tom okay?

You: Great question

Harrison: He hasn't told you?

You: Nope. He yelled he didn't know how to explain it, so I left it. I haven't been up since

Harrison: I'll go talk to him

You: Don't bother, He'll tell me when he's ready. I can handle it this time

Harrison: Alright if you need anything let me or Kristen know

You: I will thank you

'Harrison heads off and you keep working. You work on the film and take notes for a few hours. When you decide to go to bed, you just stay on the couch for the night. You sleep the whole night and get up early for work again. You head out before anyone gets up'

You: Good morning everyone!

John: Good morning

You: I, uh, had some ideas about this scene. I watched it last night and took some notes

John: Great we'll start with that!

'Your team gets to work, going over your notes, and other ideas the team has. About an hour into your work, you see Tom walk in. You continue working until Tom pulls you away'

You: Excuse me guys

'He brings you into his dressing room to talk'

You: What Tom? I have to go back to work

Tom: Look, I'm sorry...

You: That's what you have to say? You promise me no more secrets, we go through all of this, then you yell at me. And all you can say is sorry?!

Tom: I don't know what happened...

You: I'm not doing this now. We have a very busy day, so we'll talk at home

Tom: But...

'As you're walking out you say: Later Tom and close the door behind you. You finish your day; you walk out by yourself and wait for Tom in the car. You don't say a word in the car, you wait till you're in the house'

Tom: Please stop ignoring me

You: If you can't tell me what's going on, then I have nothing to say to you

'You go upstairs and slam the door behind you'

Tom's POV

Harrison: What just happened?

Tom: She's ignoring me

Kristen: What'd you do? She only ignores people when she's really pissed

Tom: Well, I may have yelled at her for trying to help me

Harrison: Dude...really?

Tom: Yeah. She was only trying to help like she always has, and I flipped on her

Kristen: Did you try to sincerely apologize?

Tom: No, I only apologized

Kristen: And what'd she say?

Tom: Uh, nothing nice. And she hasn't spoken to me since...

Harrison: You need to tell her everything. No more secrets between you and me. If you don't tell her...I will...

Your POV

'You hear a knock on your door, so you go to answer it'

Tom: Please don't slam that in my face

You: Then don't give me any reasons to

Tom: Alright...I keep having this vision every time you're gone, that your family is going to do something to you. I'm trying to trust you and myself more...but I can't live without you. I know you didn't come upstairs last night, and I don't blame you. I'm so sorry all of this happened, and I didn't mean to leave you in the dark. I also didn't mean to yell at you, I was just really stressed, and all the questions made it worse. I'm so sorry...please forgive me.

'You wipe his tears and give him a kiss'

You: Was that so hard?

Tom: No...but do you forgive me?

You: Yes...but you can't hide your feelings from me anymore. I want to help you, but I can't help if I don't know

Tom: Alright, no more hiding

'You give him a big hug and head down for dinner'

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