Part 84

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'You and Tom head home. You didn't drive since you came from the airport. Good thing your apartment is close by'

You: You did amazing today by the way

Tom: You think?

You: I know. You didn't have an ounce of fear on your face, just happiness

Tom: Thank you for making me normal for a few days

You: Well, you had to see my world too. I mean not anymore, but you get it

Tom: I had the best time

You: I'm glad. We can go whenever we want

Tom: Really?!

You: That room we stayed in is my grandparents' room. They know a lot of important people at Disney, so we had a free vacation

Tom: You never mentioned that

You: We were having such a good time

Tom: It's fine. We'll just be going back...a lot

You: Fine with me. I love Disney!

'You walk home and Tom heads upstairs'

You: I'll be up in a few minutes

Tom: That's okay take your time

Kristen: Hey! How was your day?

You: It went well. Tom made the whole day, we filmed with no issues, and Tom and I had a great walk home

Kristen: Why didn't you just call me?

You: It was nice out, so we walked

Kristen: Where is Tom?

You: Upstairs. I assume he's changing

Kristen: Cool. Harrison and I are going out for date night, so we'll be back late

You: That's not a problem. I'll leave my phone on if you need anything

Harrison: y/n! Come here!

'You run upstairs'

You: What?

Harrison: The door is locked, and Tom isn't answering

You: Maybe he's showering

Kristen: I don't hear running water

You: I'll handle this. You two enjoy your date

Harrison: Please keep me posted

You: I will, promise

'You gently knock on the door'

You: Spidey? Are you okay?

'You hear the door unlock, so you open it to see Tom crying'

Tom: No, there's something wrong with me

You: But we had such a great day!

Tom: I know, and I did have a great day

You: So, what happened between the time you walked into the house and now?

Tom: I walked in here, and just cried

You: Alright. Come on

Tom: Where are we going?

You: The car. Kristen! Take an Uber to your date!

Kristen: Okay!

You: Now, let's go, please

'You both put on shoes and head out the door'

Tom: Where are you taking me?

You: Somewhere you don't need to worry

Tom: Well, I would like to know where that is

You: It's a surprise. You'll enjoy it

'You end up driving Tom to his parents' house, so he could spend time with just them and Tessa, his dog'

You: Surprise!

Tom: Oh my god, thank you!

You: Go on, head in. I'll be back in a few hours to pick you up

Tom: Where are you going?

You: I'm giving you and your family some time

Tom: What are you going to do?

You: I'm going back home for a while

Tom: Will you be okay?

You: Yes, I'll be fine. Enjoy your family time, you need it

'You give him a kiss and head back home. You get home and open your computer to get some work done. Your phone rings about an hour or so later'

Kristen: Hey, are you home?

You: Yeah, Tom's out. What's up?

Kristen: Can you come to pick me and Harrison up?

You: Of course. Where are you guys?

Kristen: We're 12 blocks away. I'll send you my location

You: Great, I'm leaving now

'You pick them up and head to get Tom'

Harrison: Where are we going y/n?

You: To pick Tom up from his family's house

'You get to his family's house and go inside'

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