Part 94

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'About a week goes by and it's time for you to leave. Tom drops you off at the airport'

Tom: I'm going to miss you so much

You: I will too, but 3 months is going to fly by

Tom: Promise me you won't let what happened last time happen?

You: I promise

Tom: And call me whenever you can. I'll always leave my phone on unless it's dead

You: Promise?

Tom: Promise

'He helps you with your bags and he gives you the tightest hug. He hands you a box'

Tom: Don't open it until you get to the hotel, and call me while you're opening it

You: Okay?

Tom: It's just something I got. I have the other part of it

You: Alright Spidey. I love you

Tom: I love you more

You: Not possible

'You give him a kiss and head inside. Your flying normal, so you're dressed to blend in. When you get through security and head to your gate, you grab a snack. You get a call from Kristen'

You: Hey, everything okay?

Kristen: Yes, Paddy was at school when you left

You: Okay, put him on

Paddy: y/n!

You: Hey Padster, what's going on?

Paddy: Well, I didn't get to say goodbye. Stupid school

You: School isn't stupid Paddy, and besides we'll talk every day until you get here

Paddy: Really?!

You: Of course! I'd miss my Paddy too much if I didn't

Paddy: You're too cute. Well, have a good flight, here's Kristen

You: Bye Paddy

Kristen: Hey

You: Can you keep an eye on my boys?

Kristen: Of course, I can. We're all going to miss you

You: Yeah, I know. Don't remind me. Oh, I'm boarding, I'll talk to you soon!

Kristen: Have a safe flight!

'You board the plane and get settled in. You start looking over everything you've put together and take notes. You land at LAX and see John'

John: y/n!

You: Hi John! Were we on the same flight?

John: No. I took my own plane, but I had everyone's flight details

You: When did you land?

John: 20 minutes ago. I thought I would wait for you

You: Well, thank you. Shall we get our bags?

'You head to get your bags and your cars. You follow John to the hotel, but call Tom while you're in the car'

Tom: Hello

You: Hi Spidey

Tom: Shortie!

You: ...I'm sorry, did I wake you up?

Tom: No, no

You: Tom...

Tom: Okay, yes, but it's fine it was only a nap

You: Well, I wanted to tell you I had a great flight, and no one recognized me!

Tom: That's great!

You: Now, let's pray the next 3 months are smooth sailing

Tom: They will be, don't worry. I'll see you soon

You: Oh, I'm at the hotel I have to go. Bye Spidey, love you

Tom: Love you more shortie

'You hang up and head to check-in. You get into your room and head to bed. You've got a busy 3 months coming up'

Tom's POV

Harrison: Hey, want to come shopping with us?

Tom: No, thanks. I'll stay here

Kristen: You're going to have to leave this house at some point Tom

Tom: When I know my family's safe...

Harrison: That's fair. We'll see you later

Tom texts you: Good morning shortie! Have an amazing day today, and I'll call you when I know you're up. Love you so much

Paddy: Morning Tom

Tom: Hey. Do you need a ride to school?

Harry: Yes, please!

Tom: You're so lazy

Harry: Yes, yes, I am

Tom: Alright let's go, Paddy

'Tom gets in the car and drives Paddy to school'

Tom: Have a good day, and I'll get you later

Paddy: Thanks, Tom! See you later

'Toms phone rings'

You: Spidey!

Tom: Shortie!

You: I was about to open your present, then remembered I had to open it with you

Tom: Damn right! You can open it now

'You open the box and almost cry'

You: This bracelet is beautiful

Tom: And I have the match!

You: I love it, thank you

Tom: And I love you, so you're welcome

You: Alright I have to go, but I'll call you later. Love you

Tom: Love you more

You: Not possible

'You hang up and Tom gets home'

Tom: Harry, why didn't you drive Paddy?

Harry: Because you're here now

Sam: No...we start school in a couple of days

Tom: Aww, back to college?

Harry: Yeah, we'll see how long it lasts though

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