Part 132

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'You hang up and run down in tears'

Tom: Are you okay?!

You: Yeah!

Tom: Then why are you crying?

You: John's retiring...

Harry: Oh, I loved John

Tom: Why are you saying that?

You: He was able to pick his successor as the Executive of the creative department

Tom: Did he pick you?!

You: YES!

'He wraps you in the biggest hug and everyone joins in'

Tom: I'm so proud of you

You: Thank you

Kristen: Look at my best friend thriving!

Harrison: Congrats y/n, you deserve it

You: Thank you everyone, but Tom and I have a date

Tom: Yeah, so don't trash this place while we're gone

Paddy: We won't, don't worry

Kristen: Have fun you two

'You get in the car and Tom drives you to your favorite place for dinner'

You: How did you know I love this place?

Tom: Kristen may have helped me out

You: How nice of her to help

Tom: She helps with a lot of our dates

You: Aww. Well, I help Harrison with their dates. You boys are not good at date planning

Tom: So, now that you got this new job, when do you start?

You: Same time, just in a much higher workload

Tom: I guess this might be a bad time to ask—

You: I have been thinking about our future, yes

Tom: What about a baby?

You: I don't know yet. I'm so excited to finally start our family, but if I'm going to constantly be in New York and LA, and you would be in New York a lot too. Would we have the time to help Kristen while she's pregnant? Will we even have time to raise our child together and not one or the other?

Tom: y/n, look at me. We can wait until you figure your new job out, but you should talk with Kristen

You: I feel so bad right now. I know how much you want this Spidey

Tom: Hey, don't feel bad. We have busy lives, but I wouldn't change that. And when you're ready for that baby, no one will love them more than we will shortie

You: I want to be ready, but I don't think that's a good idea right now

Tom: As long as you're here, I'm happy, so we can put this aside for as long as you need to

You: What did I do to get so lucky?

Tom: I ask myself that all the time

'He gives you a kiss and you finish up eating. You get in the car and Tom takes you to the beach to watch the sunset'

You: This is beautiful Tom

Tom: Not as beautiful as you y/n

You: You're cute

'You sit in between Tom's legs and lean back. He wraps his arms around you, and you grab onto his arms with your head on his chest'

You: Thank you, Tom

Tom: Of course. We haven't done this in a while

You: I missed the peace and quiet

Tom: I missed just you and me

You: Me too

'You head home after the sunset and pull Kristen into the kitchen'

Kristen: Are you okay?

You: Way more than okay

Kristen: Did you love my date?

You: I did, thank you

Kristen: You're welcome. Why did you bring me here?

You: To tell you that if you and Harrison want to try and have a baby of your own, to do it

Kristen: What about you?

You: I was talking with Tom, and this new job is going to be extremely time-consuming. I'm just worried we won't have enough time to help you or raise the baby together

Kristen: You're willing to wait?

You: Yes. I want my child to grow up with their mom and dad there, not one or the other

Kristen: Well, Harrison will be excited to hear this

You: Yeah, I know how badly he wants a mini him running around here

Kristen: I know I do too

You: I also can't wait for your wedding!

Kristen: I know, one week and I'm officially and Osterfield. Goodbye bf/l/n!

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