Part 42

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'A few hours pass and the doctor finally calls Kristen's name'

You: Is she okay?

Doctor: Yes, she will be okay. The knife missed all her vital organs and arteries. We believe she passed out due to blood loss, so we closed the wound and gave her some more blood

Harrison: Thank you, sir. When can we all see her?

Doctor: You can see her now if you want

Paddy: That would be nice

Tom: Thank you

'The doctor brings you to Kristen and you can't help but cry when you see her'

Kristen: Paddy?

Paddy: Kristen! I'm so glad you're alright

Kristen: Me too. Come here

'She pulls him up next to her'

Harrison: Hey, no funny games Paddy

Paddy: Okay...

'Toms keeps you back in the hallway. He wraps you in a hug'

Tom: Don't you dare say it's your fault because I know that's what you're thinking. You were asleep and didn't know

You: But he's still my dad

Tom: Yeah, but you didn't know anything

You: I feel like that doesn't matter

'He wipes your tears'

Tom: Let's be strong for Kristen. Okay?

You: I'll try

'He gives you a kiss and you both head in. You see Kristen's face light up'

Kristen: y/n!

You: Hi Kristen. How are you feeling?

Kristen: I'm okay now, but I also can't feel my stomach at the moment

You: Well, we'll all take good care of you

Tom: Promise

Harrison: What they said

Kristen: I think Paddy's asleep guys

You: You know he wanted to come

Kristen: He did?

Harrison: Yeah, the poor kid was scared

You: He wasn't the only one

Tom: No, he wasn't

Kristen: Am I going home tomorrow?

Harrison: Yes, I'll be back in the morning to get you

Tom: y/n and I would come, but we're very busy tomorrow with all the wedding stuff

Kristen: You guys don't have to come, worry about your wedding. Just as long as you're all at the house when I get back is what matters most to me

You: We will be there, promise

Harrison: You guys ready?

Paddy: Yeah, I'm tired

'You all head home, but you're still on edge about everything'

Tom: Hey, she's okay

You: I know...

'You have your back turned to Tom'

Tom: Then what's up?

You: I'm just on edge that's all...

Tom: What about trying to sleep?

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