Part 8

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You guys walk inside to Harrison cooking dinner

Tom: She said yes!

Harrison: Aw congrats mate!

Kristen: You did?!

You: I did!

Harrison: Well you guys are just in time for dinner

Kristen: Good thing you said yes Y/n, or he would have made too much

You: Why wouldn't I say yes? Look at Tom, he's so amazing and treats me like a princess

Tom: You think I'm amazing?

You: I do, Spidey

Tom: Hmm, Spidey? I like it, now I need something for you, darling.

You: You'll come up with something

As Harrison finishes up dinner, you and Kristen set up the table outside and Tom and Harrison bring the food out. You sit next to Tom and you all enjoy your dinner. When you finish up dinner you all head inside to watch a movie

You: Is it okay if we cuddle?

Tom: Of course! You never have to ask that!

Kristen: Harrison look at them. They're cuter than us

Harrison: They are and I'm okay with it. My best friend is finally happy

Tom: Yeah, I am finally happy, thanks Harrison

You: You're happy?

Tom: No, I'm actually ecstatic that I found you

You: You're so cute Spidey

Kristen: We could never be that cute

Harrison: You know, you're right. Let's leave it to them

You all watch the movie together, but you don't make it through the whole movie. Tom was holding on to you in a way that made you feel safe for the first time in a long time. He made you so comfortable you wake up the next morning still on him along with Kristen on Harrison.

Tom: Good morning sleepy head! Why have you been so tired?

You: I feel like I've been here for 4 days Tom, the time difference and jet lag are killing me.

Tom: Well how about a lazy Sunday? Watch movies all day and maybe take a nap?

You: I would love that, but can we have some breakfast first?

Tom: Yeah let's go make something

You and Tom make enough food for all 4 of you. You guys make pancakes, eggs, bacon, and some toast. Tom brings out some strawberries too

Kristen: What smells so good?

You and Tom: Surprise!!

Harrison: You guys made breakfast?

Tom: Yeah mate, you made dinner, so we made breakfast

Kristen: You guys are so sweet

You: We try. Let's get eating, I'm starving!

As you're all eating breakfast, you see Harry and Sam come downstairs

Sam: Good morning everyone!

You see Tom get up and head outside

Sam: What did I say?

You: It's not you Sam

Harry: So, you're saying it's me then?

You: No, I didn't, I don't know why he left

Harry: But you do and you just don't want to say anything

Harrison gets up and stands between you and Harry

Harrison: Hey back off, if she doesn't know she doesn't know

As Harrison stops Harry, you slip outside to find Tom

You: TOM! Tom, where are you? Spidey some on

Tom: Down here darling

You: Tom are you okay? What's going on?

Tom: I just can't look or listen to Harry right now. I don't need any more bruises

You: And running and hiding is the solution?

Tom: A temporary one, yeah

As you talk with Tom, Kristen runs out screaming for Tom

Kristen: Tom! Please come, Harrison needs help!

You and Tom run to the house to see Harrison on the floor and Sam holding Harry back

Tom: Harry, what the hell did you do?!

Harry: He got in my way

You: Your way of what?

Harrison: Y/n

Tom: Harry! You can't have my girlfriend okay!

You: Harrison are you alright?

Harrison: I'll be oaky

You and Kristen help him up and you go get some ice, handing it off to Kristen

You: Here Kristen...I have to go

Tom: Where are you going?

You: I need some air, please stay here

After a few hours of walking, you make it to the waterfall. You've ignored your phone and have a ton of missed calls and texts from Kristen, Harrison, and Tom. You sit at the top of the waterfall for hours before you hear something behind you.

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