Part 124

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Tom's POV

Kristen: Hey, she okay?

Tom: Yeah, she just needs some space

Harrison: Anxiety again?

Tom: Yeah, I'll check on her a little later

Paddy: Tom?

Tom: What's up dude?

Paddy: Where's y/n?

Tom: She's upstairs bud

Paddy: Does she need a Paddy hug?

Tom: Maybe. You should go ask

Your POV
'Paddy comes up to sit next to you'

You: Hey Padster

Paddy: Do you need a hug?

You: Sure bud

'He gives you a big hug'

You: Thank you, Paddy

Paddy: Can I stay here with you?

You: Of course, you can

Paddy: So, you don't like Katie either?

You: I don't. Do you not like her?

Paddy: No, she's been keeping Sam away from us

You: She tried to take Tom from me

Paddy: I really don't want her to be my sister...

You: Well, we can't really change Sam's heart

Paddy: I wish we could though

You: Me too...

'You and Paddy sit out there for a while. He ended up falling asleep on your lap, so you brought him to bed. You walk downstairs to get some water, and Tom comes up behind you'

You: She's still here?

Tom: Unfortunately, yeah...

You: Well, I'm—

Tom: Please stay down here

You: I would prefer not to

Tom: You can sit by me, and I'll wrap you in a hug

You: Okay, fine. But I'm not talking to her

Tom: That's okay

'You join everyone on the couch, lay your head on his shoulder, and grab his hand'

Katie: So, how did you two meet Tom?

Tom: We met at Comic-Con in LA

Katie: That's so cute

Tom: ...yeah

You: ...I'm sorry, I can't

'You get up and run upstairs. You lay on your bed and just start to cry. Then someone knocks'


Katie: Not Tom

You: Oh, even better

Katie: I'm sorry?

You: Oh, you should be. You're using Sam to get with my husband. You said horrible, horrible things about me. You don't even know me!

Katie: I know Tom deserves more

You: You don't know what's best for him. The only one who knows what's best is Tom. Not me, and certainly not you

Katie: You're just so wrong, and Tom will break it off with you and get with me

Sam: What?

You: Your "girlfriend" wants my husband. She told me I wasn't pretty enough. She told me Tom doesn't deserve someone broken like me, but with someone like her

Katie: You bitch!

Sam: No, you won't talk to her like that. I'm sorry, but you need to leave

Tom: y/n?

You: Tom?

Tom: Did she really say that to you?

You: Twice actually

Sam: y/n, I'm so sorry. I had no idea

You: It's fine, you didn't do it

Sam: I also didn't she was using me...

You: I'm so sorry Sam

Sam: No, it's okay. I'll see you guys in the morning

Tom: Night Sam. Hey, where's Paddy?

You: He fell asleep on my lap a few hours ago, so I put him to bed

Tom: You know he really likes you

You: Yeah, I know. I figured that out when I picked him up from school

Tom: Did I ever tell you that I asked my brothers if it would be okay to marry you?

You: You did not, but I'm glad they said yes

Kristen: Me too!

Tom: Kristen!

Kristen: Haha, sorry. I was coming to see how y/n's doing

You: I'm okay. I just feel bad for Sam

Harrison: Yeah, he looked so happy

Tom: Then so hurt

You: I'm going to go talk to him

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