Part 91

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Your POV

YM: Anything?

You: Yes, just please don't hurt them

YM: The only way they don't get hurt is if you show up in the next 5 minutes

'The elevator dings and you walk out'

You: Then it's a good thing I'm already here

YM: Fine...

You: Please let them go. They have nothing to do with this

YM: Alright...let them go

'As they run towards you, Kristen wraps you in a huge hug'

You whisper: Tom's in the parking lot waiting for you. You're going to his parent's house in Jersey where you all will be safe

Kristen: Will you be okay?

You: ...I hope so

'They both leave and it's just you and your parents'

YD: You gave your life for them. I'm surprised

You: I love them, and if it means they never get hurt, I'll do it

YM: You might regret that decision

You: I'm not even sure why you keep me around. I know you don't want me around, that you constantly bash me, that you didn't plan on having me, and that you have tried to kill me 4 times

YM: We can't do this to Jacob

You: Why not?! Why can't you move on and focus on Jacob? Why can't you just continue on making Jacob happy and just forget about me?

YD: Jacob isn't with us anymore

You: So, go and retire to some remote private island

YM: We could do that, or we could keep up with you

Jacob: You will not put another hand on her!

You: Jacob?

YM: What are you doing? You wanted this too!

Jacob: No, you wanted it, and made me your slave. I'm done with you and so is y/n

YM: You can't be done, you need to finish

You: ...Finish what?

YM: Our plan to get you away

You: I want to get away, so why is there a plan?

YD: We've been trying to the past 3 times

Jacob: I'm not doing it

You: Are you going to kill me?!

YM: That would finish our plan

YD: Jacob, either you grab her, or we will. And you will join her

'You parents grab your arms, Jacob just stands there frozen not knowing what to do, and you try to get out of their grip'

You: No, stop! Jacob! Tom!

'You see Jacob run out of your apartment and you keep crying'

You: Please, don't do this...

YM: Shush. If you say anything else, you're done

Tom's POV

'There's a knock-on Tom's family's door'

Tom: Jacob how did you—

Jacob: There's no time. You need to help me. My parents will kill her when they get the chance

Tom: I'm sorry?

Jacob: I froze in panic and couldn't do anything, and they took her

Tom: Oh my god. We're leaving. Harrison make sure everyone stays here!

'They head to the apartment, and burst in'

YM: You're back! Now we can finish

Jacob: I told you I'm not doing that. She's my sister

'As your parents and Jacob go back and forth, Tom heads up the hidden staircase'

Your POV

Tom: y/n? Where are you?

'You don't want to get caught so you just cry even harder'

Tom: y/n! Please, where are you?

'You let out a low noise hoping he would hear'

Tom: y/n, I'm coming!

'Tom finds you and rushes over to you'

You: Tom, you need to leave

Tom: No, not without you

You: If they find you here, they'll kill you

Tom: And if I leave you here, they'll kill you

'Tom sets you free and gives you the biggest hug. He wipes your tears and gives you a kiss'

You: We need to go!

Tom: How are we going to do that? They are in the living room

You: I don't know. I just want them to leave

Tom: Let's go down the hidden stairs I just came up and just stay quiet

'You quietly head down and Jacob sees you'

Jacob: You know what? Just to shut you up...I'll do it

YM: Fine, here. You're finishing the plan

'They go upstairs and you and Tom head out to the elevator. You run to the car and Tom speeds off and calls the cops'

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