Love story between two demi gods (Tobias X Belle) DnD Pt: 3

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Getting together

Requested by LogiBear24

When they started traveling back to New York belle had been staying by Tobias side making Isaac jealous on the whole train ride there.

Isaac- Hey Tobias what up with you and belle

Tobias- Look dude I know what you are trying to say and I am going to say that I am not trying to-

Belle- Why does it matter?

Isaac- Well because it just seem that you two are getting close that all

Belle- and if we are getting close why does that matter? Its not like I am dating you right?

That is when Isaac got up and went to the opposite side of the train cart feeling a little upset. When he was doing that belle turn to Tobias who was just looking down at his cards.

Belle- Tobias?

Tobias- Oh umm yes belle?

Belle- I have a question for you?

Tobias- Ok what is it?

Belle- Do you remember what I did when we were leaving to go to New York?

Tobias- Yes why wouldn't I?

Belle- Well I was hoping that we can start to get to know each other better

Tobias- Wait are you asking me out on a date?

Belle- What? No but if I was would you go out with me?

Tobias- Of course your one of the most strongest and beautiful girls in the world

That is when belle put her hand on Tobias and look him into his eyes. She soon whisper into his ear which made Tobias blush a little bit.

Belle- Well after everything settle down maybe we can go on are first date would you like that?

*Belle turn away*

Tobias- Yes I would like that

After that belle and Tobias stay together on the train holding hands for the rest of the ride.

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