Love Story between dragon Slayers (Seek X Collin) Fariytail

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The Nightmare of the Past

Requested by brakey4life

Seek was looking for the person who killed his brother for a while now. He didn't love his brother and the only reason why he was going to his wedding was because he was be force to.

He wanted to thank him and maybe even fight him but he didn't know where.

Soon when he join a guild Gremshade hr finally found the boi who kind of look sad and upset. He kept his distance from the boi until the guild was rebuild once again.

When the guild was rebuild he help collin out and became his best and one of the few only friends.

After a while through seek started to have feeling for collin but he didn't know how to tell him until that day came.

Seek was walking to collin room when he heard fighting. Soon after that Viper slam open the door and left without even knowing that seek was right next to the door.

When seek went inside he saw collin crying in a corner of the room

Seek- Collin you ok?

Collin- ....

Seek- Collin?

Collin- Ya im fine

Seek- Collin I can tell that you are lying

Collin- ....

Seek- Collin you know that I will always be by your side you can tell me

Collin- Ok well you see I haven't done a lot of great things in my past

Seek- I know that. You told me that you have done things in your past that you weren't happy about but it wasn't you collin

Collin- I know but I just feel like it is my fault

That is when seek set right next to collin and started hugging him making collin cry in his shoulder

Seek- It isn't your fault collin it wasn't you so stop say it was


Seek- no butts I hate seeing you like this collin it wasn't you it was the dragon or should I say demon within you

*Seek grad collin face*

Seek- Collin I like you a lot and I hate seeing you like this so pls let me do this

That is when seek kiss collin on the lips. Collin was shock to feel this but he didn't care he took the feeling in and kiss him back.

After a while seek finally calm down collin and collin fell asleep on the boy lap sleeping like he never sleep before

Seek Mind- I might not know what happen fully but I will always be by your side no matter what.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now