Love story between two demi gods ( Momiji X Ricarro) Olympus

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Date Night

Requested by BillDipWolfStar

Momiji and Ricarro was on a date together trying to calm down there minds on everything that is going on.

Ricarro- Momiji?

Momiji- Yes?

Ricarro- So you want to go to the unsent with me?

Momiji- Sure

When they got to the unsent there was nothing there.

Ricarro and Momiji where just chilling together. While they were relaxing and trying to get there never out when they heard a noise. They tried to ignore it but it kept getting louder and louder.

Soon momiji and Ricarro got out of the water and left the unsent going to momiji house.

Soon when they got there their was a note on the floor.

- Hey guy I know that your on a date but let's play a little game called scavenger hunt. There are notes like this around came if you find out where they go there a surprise at the end

Ricarro - Oh this seems fun do you want to do this?

Momiji- Yes I think it would be fun

Soon they started to find out the notes and where they go. Ricarro was one of the boys help knowing where things were while momiji finding out the clues but she did get some help with ricarro. When they got to the final note it told them to follow a path.

When they got to the end of the path there was one of the most beautiful places in the world. Flowers were blooming everywhere and there was even a picnic blanket and had food that look like it was fresh out of the oven.

There was even a note say that this is there gift and that night they had a Picnic date together looking at the stars and everything. When they got home momiji and Ricarro stay the night at momiji place cuddling for the rest of the night.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now