Love Story between an Actor & a singer (Kayla X Xylo) OrginZ

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Required by AnthonyFernandez789

After the killing of her mother xylo stay with kayla for a while. He conform her and even brought back the hope for the cure but of course xylo told kayla what happen.

Kayla- Wait so everyone is gone

Xylo- Im sorry kayla but I don't think everyone dead I just know that safe heaven is no more that all

Kayla- Wait so there hope that everyone alive right?

Xylo- There is hope so don't worry but I do know this the coronal is dead

Kayla- Good that monster got what he was after but wait did you say he had a cure and you said that you ran off to try to get the cure did you get it?

Xylo- Umm no I didn't get the cure im sorry

Kayla- Oh

Xylo- But I think I got something that can be turn into a cure hehehe

Kayla- Wait Really!?

Xylo- Ya I wasn't able to grab the cure but I was able to grab something that was close to be making the cure if we find someone like the doc if he alive we can give him this and he maybe able to make the cure to stop this whole thing

Kayla- That if we kind him of course

Xylo- I know its not going to be easy but I do know we can do it together

That is when kayla hold xylo and kiss him. Xylo kiss back of course and they started going threw the plan of trying to find the doc to help fight this zombie apocalypse forever together.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now