Love story between a Prince & an Alpha (Bryan X Mario) Pt.4

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Its time to let it all out

Its been almost a week scents bryan was taken back from the kingdom. The werewolves and vampired knows that the wedding is tomorrow to so their planing to break in and save bryan while the wedding is happening.

*At the castle*

After his mother told him the plan he have been getting ready for it. Soon the day has come and bryan is getting married to this other Prince who seems to like this but bryan not as much

When the wedding was started everyone hurd the doors slam open and every supernatural creature came and charge inside getting ready for the fight of their lives which was true.

Their were so many guards ready their it look like a war just happen inside their marriage day oh wait it did.

While that was all happening the prince grad bryan and pick him up

Prince- You are coming with me

Bryan- No I am not

Prince- But my love-

Mario- He is not yours

*Mario grad bryan away from the prince*

While this whole thing was happening bryan father have been grading the supernatural and putting them into one place.

When the war have finally started to calm down with everyone opposed sides from each other the prince felt a strong stab in his back

Prince- *Screams*

Bryan father- What's wrong with him

Guard 409- He look like he was stab

Bryan father- Who stab him my good man

Guard 11- It was your wife

Bryan father grab his wife by the arm breaking it in half

Bryan father- I should of killed you on that day are daughter left

Bryan mother- Wait she alive

Bryan father- Why yes she is but you won't be alive to see her

Bryan- Wait NOOO

Before anything bryan father brought out his sword and stab bryan mother right in the stomach

She fell onto the ground cover in her own blood

Bryan father- Opps I didn't mean to kill her o well I can fine another beautiful wife somewhere else

Prince- Yes now then scents you mom is gone all we need left is to kill all the Supernatural in the room and you can be all mine bryan all mine

Bryan- You kill her

Bryan father- Why yes I did

Bryan- You kill my mom

Bryan father- And your point is?

Bryan- I will never forgive you grrrr

Bryan eyes soon started to turn red and he started growling like a monster

His body started to form and when everyone turn around and saw what bryan turn.

He turn into his werewolf.

Prince- Baby?

Bryan rip the princes head right out his body and throw it to the ground

All the guards started to back up and that was the chance for everyone to attack them. Soon every guard was killed their and now its just bryan father their and everyone else

Bryan slowly walk up to his father growling at him with the a temp to kill

Bryan father- Son we can talk about this so pls lesson to me

Bryan didn't lesson to him at all with on swoop he claw his father so deep in the chest it made him fall backwards to the ground and his final words were im sorry

Bryan soon turn out to be out of control when their was no one else to attack he turn to his friends and started slowly walking to them with his teeth showing and everything

Mario slowly walk up to bryan

Mario- Bryan?

Bryan- *Growls*

Mario- Bryan its me your mate


Mario- Bryan pls its me your mate

Bryan soon look down and started to remember everything. Bryan head hurt so much he past out and turn back to normal

Mitch- Im glad that past

Mario- Ya me to

* Few days later*

The humans have stop attacking the Supernatural oh ya and bryan sister did came back with a boyfriend to rule over the kingdom.

She told bryan that she going to do it right and won't be like their father

*Back at pack heaven*

Bryan and mario became the alphas of the pack. Xylo is still beta and does help around a little bit but he kinda lives at missfire now helping the vampires out more than his own kind. You can't really blame him through he have a vampire boyfriend who wants to stay with him pretty much most of his life. The werewolves and vampire go out more and is able to hunt normally again .

As for mario and bryan they did use the potion on bryan and he did get twins one boy and one girl. They are now living a happy ending after everything that had happen to them.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now