Love story two demi human and a demon (Xylo X Imno) Olympus Pt: 1

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The black moon

After the huge problem with the titans were solve xylo just kept having a weird feeling about something and went to the underworld to talk with his father to see what the problem is.

Xylo- Hey dad

Hades- Yes my favorite son what can I do for you today

Xylo- First of off don't say that and second of off I have a weird feeling right now and it won't stop.

Hades- It must be the black moon then

Xylo- What is the black moon?

Hades- The black moon appears in the underworld every few thousand of years and it can make a son of hates have a form that can be very dangerous to people.

Xylo- Is their away to stop it

Hades- I'm sorry son but their is no way to stop this your brothers and sisters who are effect by the moon tried to get red of it but they ended up being turn into power hungry demons that I had to ended up killing.

Xylo- I'm sorry

Hades-Its ok but their is one more thing that I do need to tell you

Xylo- And What is that

Hades- You have to stay in your world when this happen or else the effects can be deadly.

Xylo- Ok then I will let kay know so she can let the whole camp know to stay away from my room for a few days.

Hades- That is a smart plan I really don't want to get yelled at by other gods because of something that I can't even control

Xylo- Thank you

Hades- Oh ya one more thing your brother won't be affected by this only you ok

Xylo- That "great" to know

*Xylo leaves the area*

Hades- Hope you have a fun time

*Back to the real world*

Kay and everyone was gather all in the middle of the camp in one of the coldest days of the year for a new game for everyone to play.

When kay was talking xylo saw davine being a bully to imno to him.

Xylo did not like to see someone who he really cares for hurt like that.

Davine- Come on imno all you need to do is to jump off the cliff and everything would be fine I will catch you

Imno- *whimpers*

Davine- Stop being a cry baby and just do it I promises that its safe

*Xylo walks up to him*

Xylo- leave imno alone can you see that he doesn't want to so it

Davine- So I know deep down he wants to do it right buddy o pale

*Davine grabs imno hair hard*

Tears are starting to appear on imno face

Xylo- that's it

*Xylo grad imno and put him behind him to protect him now*

*Xylo eyes started to change color*

Xylo- Leave imno alone

*Davine seeing xylo eyes change from its normal color white and purple to black and purple*

Davine- Ok ok fine I will leave imno alone

Davine mind- Yikes I didn't know xylo can be that scary

Xylo- You ok imno

Imno staying by xylo side- yea

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