Love story between a Prince & an Alpha (Bryan X Mario) Pt.3

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Bryan No

Shout out to anonymousarts2020 & DjfoxE for wanting a part three

It's been a few months after Bryan was taken away from his kingdom to safe heaven.

Bryan have made everyone in the supernatural at home with him like he is one of them.

Mario change his collar out to a tracker call

Bryan- Why do I still need a collar mario?

Mario- I don't know it just a feeling look when you become a werewolf you will not have a collar on you at all

Bryan- Really! That will be amazing

Mario- Yes it will my mate

*Bryan blush when he said that*

Bryan- Mario you promise to not say anything until I become a werewolf

Mario- Oh come on you know I already mark you and all the vampires and werewolves know that your mine so I don't see a problem with it

Bryan- Mario?

Mario- Yes?

Bryan- Have we found out why we I haven't been able to become a werewolf yet?

Mario- We don't know yet but I promise we will figure it out and you will become part of this back my alpha male

*Bryan face is bright red*

Bryan- Sh- shut up

Mario who is laughing at himself- Will I think it's time for us to go to bed don't you think?

Bryan- Ya it's getting late and I do feel tired

Mario- Ok then

*Mario pick up bryan*

*Bryan face turn even red-er*

Bryan- What are you doing I can walk you know

Mario- I know that but I really want to carry you to see room Bryan

Bryan who is still red- F-fine

Mario took Bryan to their room where they snuggle with each other all night long

* In the morning*

Bryan was doing the normal which was helping everyone out with things like helping xylo with farming and trying to hide him from mitch which fails almost everytime. Helping bri and Devin out with their music. Those type of things.

Everything seems normal until everyone hurd a howl. The howl came from one of the pack werewolves. When that werewolf howl everyone soom ran into their houses and grad their weapons and when they came out of their houses its seems like their ready for war.

Bryan- What's going on?

Xylo- Their here

Mitch- Mario if you don't want them to take bryan back you have to hide him ok

Mario- Im on it

Mario took bryan by the hand and pull him away from everyone to his house

Bryan- What's going on?

Mario- The humans are here and I think their here for you

Bryan- What no I don't want to go back with them im happy here

Mario- I know that, That's why we are fighting for you Bryan

Bryan- I see

Mario- Promise me you won't let them take you

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now