Love Story between two demi gods ( Magnus X Xylo) Olympus

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Tail Rap

Requested by AstroMike

Xylo was reading all the books trying to find information about his mother when he heard someone knocking on the door.

Xylo Mind- Who knocking?

When xylo got up from his chair to take a look he saw Magnus with a new look. Xylo was surprise to see this and was kinda blushing a little bit.

Xylo- Magnus!?

Magnus- Hey Xylo

Xylo- Magnus What happen to you?

Magnus- Will me and my brother went to talk to are father and he made us pharaoh of the underworld.

Xylo- That's amazing I wish I become a pharaoh

Magnus- I don't think that how it works

Xylo- I know

After some talking magnus was starting to walk a little closer to xylo making Xylo back up into a corner.

Xylo- Magnus? What are you doing?

Magnus- Oh this don't worry about it

Soon Xylo could feel something wrapping around his leg. It was Magnus tails. Xylo knew if he tried to pull away he could hurt Magnus or even worse get trap even more.

Xylo- Umm hehehe

Magnus - Oh Xylo ever scents that ball thing happen I didn't know what to feel

Xylo- Wait so you still have a crush on me?

Magnus- Will ya I do and I don't know what to do after all I want you so bad but I just can't ask Inpu so much that why I want to talk to you

Xylo could feel his face heated up when Magnus pull Xylo in for a kiss. That is when Magnus heard someone running to them.

Magnus Mind- Oh no not now Inpu

*Kiss Xylo*

Magnus - I would love to stay and chat but my brother is coming and I don't want to make him wait so bye

Soon when Magnus was leaving xylo can feel there tails wrapping around his leg and then slowly leaving them.

Xylo Mind- I don't know what that was all about and when Inpu finds out I am say I'm a dead man but hey at least I got that kiss from the ball now right?

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now