Love Story between two demi gods ( Bryan X Mario) Olympus Pt: 1

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A Night Out

Requested by XxGaming_WolfxX

After the break up of mario and kay because it wasn't working out he was have a a night out alone to clear his mind in the forest where he saw something so beautiful threw his eyes.

Mario Mind- I knew things won't going to work out but still she didn't need to break up with me and fly away

*Few minutes later*

Mario Mind- Wait what that

Mario went behind a bush and saw someone that he didn't expect to see ever again it was bryan sing in a beautiful voice to some of the animals.

Mario Mind- Why is bryan out here so late and why is he sings

Mario was in the bush for a few minutes when one of the animals grad him and threw him outside the bush for bryan to see him.

When bryan saw him he blush hard red not even thinking that someone could of found him and hear his voice but that is when bryan realise something

Bryan- Oh my gosh mario are you ok?

Mario- Ya it just when the deer threw me out of the bush I think I broke my arm.

Bryan- Oh no let me heal it pls

When bryan grad mario arm and was healing it mario was shock surprise and a little bit fluster.

Mario Mind- why is he so nice to me now and why do I feel this way to him

Bryan- You need to be careful ok I don't like seeing my friends hurt

Mario- Bryan what are you doing here?

Bryan- I could ask you the same thing you know

Mario- Will kay and I broke up and I came here to think

Bryan- Wait Really!? What happen?

Mario- Will it wasn't working out so we broke up

That is when bryan pull mario in for a hug mario blush when he did this and hug back

Mario Mind- Why do you feel so warm and soft like your an angle from the world heavens from above

Bryan- Don't worry mario I will be here for you waiting and helping you threw this

After a while of them hugging they let go of each other.

Mario- Why are you here?

Bryan- I come here to hide from my problems

Mario- I see will it is a beautiful place just like you

*Bryan blush a little*

Bryan Mind- He did not just said that

Mario Mind- Why did I say that out loud

Bryan- Why thank you.

Mario- No problem

Bryan- would you stay with me pls

Mario- Oh umm sure

Soon they started talking to each other about what happen after they both left camp. When talking mario felt a little bit tired and fell asleep on bryan shorter.

Bryan did blush a lot but he soon put mario on his lap and rap his wings around mario to make sure he doesn't feel the cold of the night.

Bryan Mind- Goodnight my prince I will see you in the morning.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now