Love story between An Alpha & A Demon (Michael X Ritchie) Supernatural

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A True alpha sickness

After a day messing with the vampire and werewolves everyone notices Ritchie isn't doing so hot.

Austin- You ok you seem a little pale in the face right now

Richie- I-Im fi-Fine just feel a little weak right now

Bri walk up to Ritchie and put her hand on his for head.

Bri- Richie your burning up how long have you been feeling weak

Richie- About a month

Everyone- A MOUNTH

Pierre- Richie you should of told us we would have just leave you alone

Richie- But I love to have fun with you

Micheal started flying towards the group.

Richie- Don't stay anything about this to micheal ok

Micheal- Say anything about what

Richie- Nothing

Devin- Dad Ritchie here have a-

Richie put his claw on devin face and growl softly at them to not tell him

Bri in a fast tone- Richie is sick

Richie- No im not

Michael now looking at Ritchie up and down and now noticing that he is pretty pale

Micheal- how long have he been hiding this

Pierre- He been hiding this for about a month sir

Micheal- A month

Ritchie- I thought it would go away after a few days but it just kept getting worse and worse

Micheal- Your coming with me

Ritchie- Oh no Im not I still have work to do

Austin- No you don't you need rest

Ritchie- Then catch me then

Ritchie turn into his werewolf form and started a run for it

Daven- Why did he do that can't he fly

Micheal- Ritchie must be to weak to fly right now but we do need to catch him so after him

Everyone went into different ways but Micheal did keep austin by him side scents he the closes thing to fine him.

Richie was running into the forest when he ran into pierre.

Pierre-Im sorry for what im about to do so pls forgive me

Before Ritchie can react pierre made a cage out of bones for him

Richie tried to break the bones but he was too weak to do anything

Everyone soon cot up to pierre and Ritchie and started dragging Ritchie home

Richie try to get out of them arms but he soon gave up when micheal just pick him up all together.

Micheal- I will be taking care of Ritchie in my place for a while so I can keep an eye on him

Devin- Thats a smart idea

Austin- Welp see you in a few days brother have fun

Richie was about to stay something but Micheal flew off with him in his arms

Richie rest his head agents micheal cheat and past out

Micheal blush a little before he have finally got home

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now