Brothers From Another Mother

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Requested by lucyrose943,

Jyles X Bryan

Origins Of Olympus

After the huge fight the jyles and Bryan had jyles went to get some fresh air. While doing that he went to talk to someone while Bryan went back home to think about what he needs to do next.

*With Jyles*

After talking to momiji about his problems and she told him things that made him feel like he have a chance to fix everything momiji told jyles that there is going to be another fight happening and that he should go be there to see if people have a change to fight back.

Jyles- I might do that. I don't know what else to do

Momiji- Ok will then the fight is going to start in three days ok I hope your ready for it

Jyles- Ok Ok I got this thank you momiji

Momiji- No problem ok

After that momiji left. Jyles don't know what to do so he got himself ready for the huge fight because of He going to be there their is a chance he will need to fight.

While during those few days people started to hear what happen and started to hate bryan. Inpu was there to help Bryan out threw this fight even though there is nothing that they can do.

*At the Stadium*

Everyone was having a great time showing off what they can do and what power they hold. While in the waiting back Bryan was trying to wait for Inpu who was fighting Xylo when jyles walk by him.

Bryan look away from jyles and was about to walk away when jyles grad the boy hand

Jyles- Look Bryan I am sorry about what I said ok

Bryan- I am sorry to but there is no way of fixing about what is broken

Jyles- Bryan look I didn't mean to make so many people out for you I am sorry

Bryan- No I am The one that is sorry. Maybe it was a mistake coming to camp again

*Bryan leaves*

Jyles Mind- I am a idiot even through it was kinda his fault he is going to most of the pain. Why can't I not see that

*The fight*

Jyles was going to fight Mario and show what he hits when everyone heard laugher above them.

E. Bryan- Will Will Will It seems that I miss a party

Bryan- What oh no

E. Bryan- Its great to see everyone here and I am glad to know that I will be able to mess up everyone life for the greater good.

Jyles- What do you mean?

E. Bryan- Oh it seems that I didn't finish you off like I should off

Mario- No don't you dare touch him

E. Bryan - Oh really I have plans for you Mario

As soon as evil Bryan said that he jump and flew to jyles swing at him two times but Bryan the hero push jyles out of the way and took those guys like a champ.

Jyles- Bryan!?

E. Bryan- Oh it seems I wasn't fast enough but don't worry I will return for you

Mario- You

E. Bryan - Bye Bye Now

Mario- Noo

Jyles- Bryan pls lesson to me don't close your eyes

Bryan- I I I'm sorry my friend

Inpu - Bryan!?

After that the whole fight arena was cancelled for another day while Bryan heals up from the damage that have been done. While Bryan was healing up something in jyles snap. He didn't like about what had happen to Bryan but he knew that he can't just go After evil Bryan alone that a death wish. Jyles soon took Bryan away back to his house where he soon heal his friend there and they rest up from there.

Soon after a few days Bryan wakes up to see jyles holding him close to him

Bryan - J- Jyles is that you

Jyles- Bryan you scared me I miss you so much

*Kiss Bryan on the forehead*

Bryan- Jyles you never acted like this before are you ok?

Jyles- No I am not you see U realise something when you were hurt. Your more to me Bryan more as a friend your family to me.

Bryan- I-I I didn't know you felt that way

Jyles- Bryan look I see you as a brother and I don't like seeing you hurt

Bryan- Wait what about the others are they ok?

Jyles- Yes everyone if find but for evil Bryan he is not

Bryan- Jyles what do you mean?

Jyles- Something snap inside of me and Since I know if I go to him I would be death mean so I use some of my power from a far to hurt him just a little

Bryan- What did you do?

Jyles- I burn a part of his wing and now he isn't able to fly for a while

Bryan- Jyles he might think it was you

Jyles - I don't care but I do care about you can I stay at your place for the night pls

Bryan- If course you can you my friend

Jyles- Can you just call me your brother pls?

Bryan- find brother and I care for you ok

Jyles- Thanks Bryan

That night jyles cuddle Bryan close and in the morning jyles show everyone that Bryan is ok. Jyles was yelled at by Kay for taking him away from his resting place but he was left off a warning because everything work out in the end.

As for both of them jyles and Bryan have made it official they they are brothers from another mother.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now