Love Story between An Actor & A Zombie (Xylo X Ritchie) OriginZ

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After math & Xylo Sick
request by Rdw656

After the huge battle wither of not richie will live or die he ended up surviving but everyone did learn his secret.


Xylo was getting out of his plane and going out for food and weapons when he run into Richie

Xylo mind- Oh no I hope he don't see me

Ritchie- Xylo their you are

Xylo mind- Oh no

Ritchie- I have been looking for you

Xylo- Really!

Ritchie- Ya you see with out you being their I would have ended up dead

Xylo- True but what are friends for

*Ritchie a little sad when he said that*

Ritchie- Ya friends

Xylo- I need to go

Ritchie- Where are you going at this time

Xylo- Will you see I was going to go to the farm to drop of Coalition and get some chicken feed. Then was going to look around a little

Ritchie- Cool can I come

Xylo- Are you sure?

Ritchie- What do you mean by that?

Xylo- Will I thought you made was bussy with the doc and I thought you have to go somewhere with Imno too

Ritchie- Will true but I want to hang out with you

Xylo- Ok great

*Xylo is a little nerves because he was planing on going to the doc because he doesn't feel so good and wanted to keep it to himself*

While walking to the farm Ritchie did notice xylo kinda look a little pale

Richie- Are you ok?

Xylo- Ya I'm fine

*At the farm*

Bryan- Will coalition will be safe here

Xylo- That good

Bryan- Oh ya that does remind me. Here you go Mister Zombie

Richie- Thank you

When xylo and Ritchie was about to leave xylo started coughing

Bryan- Xylo you ok?

Xylo- Ya I'm fine just something got cot in my throat

Bryan- Ok if you stay so

When they got out of the farm and started walking back Ritchie turn to xylo and pull him close to him

Ritchie- What's wrong xylo

Xylo- What do you mean I'm fine

Ritchie- I can tell your lie-ing xylo so tell me the truth are you sick?

Xylo- *sigh* Yes I was planning on going to the doc after I drop off coalition in the farm.

Ritchie- You should of told me I would of help

Xylo- I didn't want to bug you so that's why I lied

Ritchie- Were going home

Xylo noted and they head back to the safe heaven where they went to the doc

Ritchie- Hi doc

Doc- hello their did you need something

Ritchie- Yes you see xylo has a cold and I was wondering

Doc- If I had some medicine yes I do just wait their for a sec

When Ritchie and xylo was waiting richie saw xylo shivering from being cold

Ritchie pull xylo a little closer to him hoping to pull of some heat off of his body

*The doc came back with some medicine in his hand and hand over it to Ritchie*

Doc-Here you go

Richie- Thx

When Ritchie got the medicine he took xylo.and left the office where the doc is wondering what's up with them

*Back at xylo plain*

Ritchie lay xylo on his bed and started giving him some medicine.

Xylo- Thx Ritchie

Ritchie- Their no need to thank me where friends after all

Ritchie mind- Even through I want us to be more

Xylo- Ya friends

Xylo mind- I know that we are friends and all but why do I have this feeling in my heart

When Ritchie was about to leave xylo grab Ritchie by the arm

Xylo- Pls don't leave

Ritchie- Ok I won't leave

Ritchie stay by xylo side when he had lay back down and went to sleep

*In the middle of the night*

Xylo woke up to see Ritchie sleeping in a chair

Xylo mind- I thought he would have left by now

Xylo pulled Ritchie onto himself and went back to sleep like nothing had happen

*In the morning*

Ritchie woke up to finding himself on xylo chest

*Ritchie face turn red*

Ritchie mind- How did this happen

When Ritchie tried to get up he was stop and pull back down by xylo arm

Xylo still asleep- Don't go

Ritchie mind- He doesn't want me to leave and also how am I going to leave his arms are rap around me

*Few hours later*

Ritchie had "Fallen back to sleep" and xylo woke up

Xylo mind- I woke up before him I can just play with his hair until he wake up

Xylo was playing with his hair for a few minutes before Ritchie finally got off his cheat

Xylo- Morning sunshine

*Ritchie still red in the face*

Ritchie mind- Did he just call me-

Xylo- How did you sleep

Ritchie- Good

Xylo- That's good to here.

Ritchie- How are you feeling

Xylo- Much better than before

Ritchie- That's good also how did I get onto your chest

Xylo- Oh that I saw you sleeping on the chair so I pulled you onto my chest

*Xylo face turn red*

Ritchie mind- Does he like me

Xylo- Sorry if I made you uncountable

Ritchie- Oh no no no you didn't make me uncountable its just that I'm surprise that all

*Xylo soon blush a lot making his full face red*

Ritchie- I wanted to tell you something

Xylo- W-what do you want to tell me

Ritchie- I like you a lot and I just thought that this feeling will go away but it just grow more and more. Its ok if you don't feel the same

As soon as Ritchie said that xylo full Ritchie back into his chest

Xylo- I like you to

Richie and xylo soon went off on their day like normal but when it hits night xylo and Ritchie falls asleep in the same bed together no matter what.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now