Love story Between two demi gods (Jyles X Momiji) Olympus

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The Ears and The tail

Requested by KarlaMMelndezNegrn

During some time after the whole thing of jyles meeting momiji and making that deal that they did. Jyles wonders what would happen if he would have ears and a fluffy tail. Would he get the attention that he wants or would it go the other way around he really doesn't knPoof

*Few days later*

Jyles was thinking to himself when momiji came from behind him.

Momiji- Oh Hi jyles. Didn't expect to see you here

Jyles- Oh you see I come here to think my darling

Momiji- Really!? If you don't mind me asking what were you thinking about?

Jyles- Oh I was thinking about what would happen if I were to have cute fluffy ears and a beautiful fluffy tail.

Momiji- Oh really is that all

Jyles- Yes what are you going to make fun of me

Momiji- I would never do that ever

Jyles- I see. Will if you don't mind I will be off then

Right before jyles was leaving momiji grad jyles hand

Jyles- Oh sweet heart if you had a crush on me you should of just said that

Momiji- No it's not about that I might know how you can get ears and a tail

Jyles- Oh really? And how do you know that it's going to work

Momiji- It work on Xylo and he had a fish tail for a while last time I hurd

Jyles- *Laughing* Oh really I would love to see that

Momiji- Its called tomb juice

Jyles- I might have actually heard of this drink

Momiji- Really now!?

Jyles- Why yes. You see my handsome idiot friend had took the drink before and I think he turn into a spider.

Momiji- Oh really that seems fun

Jyles- I just wish that I saw that it would have been funny

After a while of jyles and momiji talking they headed back at her place where she had a bottle of the stuff

Momiji- If you take a sip of the drink it should affect you for the rest of the day

Jyles- That's good to know

When jyles drink the stuff he started feeling weird. After a while of the drink taking affect. Jyles had fluffy Fox ears and a long fluffy Fox tail.

Jyles- It seems to work

Momiji- See

Jyles- Oh I am going to have a little bit of fun with this

Momiji- Like how so?

Jyles- Oh darling I could easily wack people with my fluffy tail and I can hear better so that is a bonus right?

Momiji- Ok just be careful

Jyles- Will do

After that jyles started having a little fun with Bryan but the fun started to stop when he started having huge amount of headaches and his fluffy tail have been getting cot into things.

When the day had ended jyles was glad to be himself but he wanted to go someone so he went to momiji who was drinking some stuff.

*Knock* *Knock* * Knock*

Momiji Mind- I wonder who is that

When momiji open the door and saw jyles.

Momiji- Oh Jyles come it come

Jyles- Thanks

When jyles got inside jyles started telling momiji everything that happen and he really didn't know that she might have gone threw that.

Momiji- Will if your not careful things can sometimes happen

Jyles- I see

After a while of jyles and momiji talking jyles were just starring at momiji ears and tail the whole time.

Momiji- You ok?

Jyles- If you don't mind can I let you ears and tail

Momiji- Ohh ummm sure

When jyles started touching momiji ears and tail she had started blushing a little.

Jyles- Wow there really soft my girl

Momiji- Why thank you

Jyles- Hey momiji when I start feeling stress about some stuff can I let your ears and tail pls

Momiji- Sure just don't do it too often

Jyles - Oh believe me I won't

After that jyles left. For a while jyles have been going to momiji to talk and let her soft beautiful features and they both kept this a secret from everyone so they won't get bug and people won't act weird around them.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now