Love story between two demi gods (Bryan X Inpu) Olympus Pt: 1

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Things on the mind

Requested by DjfoxE

Bryan was talking with xylo when kay came in and started making him upset

Kay- What's going on here?

Xylo- Oh you see bryan and I were just talking that's all

Kay- Really do you remember what he did to me?

Xylo- Ya but that was in the past

Bryan- Ya and I'm sorry for that

Kay- Sorry SORRY I died because of you ok and I don't want you hurting anyone else

Bryan- But But I won't I promise

Kay- I don't care just leave I have to talk to xylo about something

Bryan- O-Ok

*Bryan leaves*

*Xylo hits kay on the back of her head*

Kay- Ow

Xylo- And you tell me to don't say stuff like that

*At the doct*

Bryan was thinks about the horrible things and tears started streaming down his eyes

Bryan Mind- Im a monster I know that so why did she have to. Wait xylo help me out back there he really does think I change I need to thank him for that but at the same time why does he have to do all of that

While all of those things were going threw bryan head Inpu was just walking around

Inpu Mind- Mm this seem-

*Hears crying*

Inpu- Wait is someone crying I need to go check it out

Inpu soon had found bryan at the doct crying.

Inpu Mind- Why is he crying? Is it because of his past?

Inpu- Umm bryan

*Bryan turning to where his light shield came on but soon came of when he saw it was just inpu*

Bryan- Inpu

Bryan Mind- Oh no he going to think im weak what am I going to do?

Inpu- You ok?

Bryan- *sniff* no sadly not

Inpu- What's wrong

Inpu Mind- I swear if anyone hurt bryan im going to make them pay

Bryan- Ok will you-

Soon bryan told Inpu everything and his face turn to horror, sad, and anger.

Bryan- And that is what had happen to me

Bryan Mind- I hope he doesn't want to be my friend now

Inpu- Im sorry to hear that bryan look your trying to change and I understand that but don't you think kay is trying also to forgive you in her own way?

Inpu Mind- I can't believe that kay would do that to one of her campers. I have to thank xylo later for what he just did for him

Bryan- I know she trying to forgive me deep down in her heart but at the same time it hurts

Bryan Mind- I can't believe inpu is trying to help me out.

Inpu- Bryan I know your trying to change deep down in your heart but some people need time but at the end of the day if you feel upset don't think twice that I won't help you at all

Bryan- Thx

Inpu they were talking to each other for the rest of the day at the doc's

Inpu was talking to bryan making him feel better while in his mind he wqs thinking on how interesting bryan is on his looks to all of the way to his wings he super happy that he have met bryan

While in bryan mind while there talking he was thinking on how cute inpu ears are and how he wants to touch them in any way

But soon day became night and bryan was getting a little tired. He soon lay on inpu shorter and fell asleep

Inpu blush a little when he did that but didn't think more of it and they both fell asleep at the doc's

*In the background*

River was watching the whole thing and boi he was mad that inpu a dog would sleep with his man that he truly loves now he have to keep an eye on both of them to make sure nothing would happen between them.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now