Love story between a Vampire & a Werewolf (Bri X Xylo) Supernatural

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A Bite Of Love

Requested by AstroMike

It was a normal hunting day for xylo. He was in tbe woods trying to hunt down some animals for the pack when he heard someone. It was like someone was crying.

Xylo Mind- Crying!? Who is crying in the middle of the forest?

When xylo went to go check it out he saw one of the vampires just sitting there crying. When xylo got a closer look at her he saw that it was from the group that there calling themselves the true alphas.

When xylo was watching her trying to find out why she was crying she started playing a song.

Bri- Even through now I remember I want to play this song for you even through your not here. I hope you remember the song we wrote together xylo

Whens said that xylo started to had a bad headache.

Xylo Mind- Ow my head wait that song is she talking about-

Bri- Here I go I am going to sing dusk till dawn my friend.

When bri started singing it xylo was waiting until his part came up and when it did he started singing to. Bri turn to see xylo singing with her and when the song was down she couldn't help but ran up to him and gave him a hug crying into his arms.

Bri- I am so sorry I didn't mean to

Xylo- Shh its ok I understand ok so you don't have to worry

Bri- But its not ok I killed-

Xylo- You didn't kill him your pack did so don't blame yourself for something that they did

Bri- But

Xylo- No buts ok I just really don't want to see you in pain like in the past

Bri- Oh xylo im so sorry

After a while of crying and everything bri started to calm down a little and xylo started singing another song

While sing this song bri started to calm down and layed her head on xylo lap lessoning to xylo singing. After a while bri started falling asleep and when the song was over she really did past out.

Xylo Mind- It seems like you can't handle my soft sing just yet now can you

That is when xylo kiss bti forhead and said goodnight to her before falling alseep on a tree where he was laying on

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now