Love story between two kitty cats (Mania X Lopho) Fairytail Pt: 2

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Human Boi

Requested by MikeThePolishGuy & LenonKayon

After the date that mania and lopho had they started dating. When others found out they were happy and clapping him on. After a while through maina grew Curious. She have been hearing about lopho human form and wanted to see it for herself but she knew the only person who could really do that was kay so one day she took kay to go talk to her about it.

*With them*

Kay- Maina what wrong? Is something bugging you?

Maina- Well I heard that you turn lopho human and I want to see lopho human so can you do that pls

Kay- I don't know

Maina- Pls with cookie on top

Kay- Ok fine I will do it

Maina- Yay so here is the plan

*Few Hours later*

Maina was hiding behind some busses when kay walk up to lopho

Kay- Hey Lopho

Lopho- Oh Hello Kay whats up?

Kay- Welll...

Lopho- Wait what are you doing

That is when lopho turn human but this time something was different. He look human sure but he had ears and a tail.

Kay- Wow

Lopho- Kay what did you do I didn't want to be human again

Maina- Well I think it looks cute

Lopho- Maina

Kay- There you go a human lopho but for some reason he have ears and a tail now

Lopho- Wait you two were planing this

Maina- It was my idea

Lopho- Why?

Maina- I wanted to see you in human form and I think you look cute in it

Lopho- Thank you but I have a lot of work to do

Soon maina took lopho hand and went on there way. After a few hours they came back to kay with lopho looking like a gentlemen

Kay- What happen to you guys?

Maina- We went on a date in the city and it was fun

Lopho- Yes it was but now I have a lot of work to do so can you turn me back pls

Kay- Of course

When lopho was turn back to normal kay and maina couldn't help but say aww because he was a cat wearing a suit.

Lopho- It was an amazing date maina but I have a lot of work to do so talk to you guys later

Maina & Kay- Bye

*Lopho left*

Kay- Ok you have to tell me everything on what happen

Maina- Don't worry I will.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now