Love Story between a werewolf & a witch (Relena X Xylo) Supernatural

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A Heart of Love

Requested by TheGreenPhantom

Xylo was in his cabin minding his own business when he heard some loud noise that was coming from outside. When he o ok he saw flames all over and death of everyone. Xylo didn't believe what was going on so he went around to look for anyone and what he saw next really shock him.

He saw Relena holding alpha by the neck and then dropping him to the ground. Xylo can tell alpha died from lack of air and that he wasn't even strong enough to fight relena was a real problem.

Xylo- Relena!?

Relena- Hello there Xylo I would love to sit and chat but it's time for you to wake up NOW!?

When Relena said that Xylo woke up inside a bed. When he look around he saw he was in Relena cabin and right next to him was Relena sleeping soundly. When Xylo tired to remember what happen he remember a fire and his friends telling at him but that it.

Xylo- Ow my head what happen?

Relena - Mmm Wait Xylo Your awake

Xylo- Of course I am what happening?

Relena- There was a fire and we were all trap inside. You were the one who got everyone out but you almost died in the process.

Xylo - I Did!?

That is when he saw Relena starting to cry and Xylo didn't like that feeling

Xylo- Hey it's ok I'm find now see

Relena- I know but I almost lost you

That is when Xylo pull Relena for a hug but what he didn't know was it was a trap. When Xylo hug Relena she have Xylo a kiss. Xylo was blushing hard but he didn't care.

When the others found out that Xylo was wake they all check on him and said there were sorry for not helping him.

Xylo- Its ok guys I am just glad that you all are ok

Mario- I see will then be more careful next time pls

Xylo- Don't worry I will

After that whole thing and everyone left Relena and Xylo soon got close and started to tell each other that they have feeling for each other. Soon they started dating and even had a child name Zylo. Knowing full will that no matter what get into there way they will fight until the very end.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now