Love Story Between Two demi Gods (Jyles X Bryan) Olympus

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Time Flys don't you know

Requested by DESASHE

Bryan was at his place trying to figure out why didn't he think of letting his friend go sooner than later. He hated himself for not letting him go when he became back to normal. He really wanted to just jump off and let the world take him away.

After a while Bryan was starting to cry when jyles came in

Jyles Mind- Lets see how my idiot is doing this

When he walk in he saw Bryan on his floor crying his eyes off with no care in the world.

Jyles- Bryan what's wrong?

Soon Bryan got off of his floor and saw jyles just standing there looking at him. Bryan really wanted to run but even before he could jyles ran up to him and grad him.

Bryan- You always know what I'm thinking don't you

Jyles- Will of course why wouldn't I be your my best friend

Jyles Mind- Even through I want more than that

Jyles- I care for you Bryan and I hate seeing you in pain

Bryan - Ya best friend

Jyles- Wait what!?

Bryan - It's nothing ok

Jyles- Tell me what's wrong ok I don't like seeing you on the floor upset

Bryan- Will I feel horrible not letting you go I want to just leave and never return after all I think Everyone would love that

Jyles- Bryan pls donate do that you have so much to live for ok and don't bull me with no one cares for you because I do Bryan I really do

Bryan - I know you care for me but no one wants me ok I just feel like I don't deserve to be here at all

Jyles- And when you leave your going to just leave me here with no one to love and care about

Bryan- Look I know your just flirting with me so you can mess with me. I know you really do care for me but you don't at the same time

Jyles- Bryan look at me pls

When Bryan look at jyles Jyles have Bryan a kiss on his lips which shock Bryan at first but soon he started kissing back.

Jyles- Look Bryan I wanted to do that to you in such a long time

Bryan- Wait do you actually love me?

Jyles- I do. I been have these feeling for a while now but I was scared that you didn't love me back so I kept it secret.

Bryan - I see because you were scared that I would just leave you like they did long ago

Jyles- Yes you get it

Bryan- I love you too I was just upset at myself that I didn't let you go when I was normal again

Jyles- I see you were beating yourself up because of me but you don't have to worry the past is the past and I do care for you a lot so promise me you will never think and even hurt yourself because of that

Bryan- I promise

After that they both slept in Bryan bed and jyles was holding Bryan close and even after that keeping a watchful eye on him so he won't do anything stupid.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now