Love story between a demon & a Demi God (Jakey X Brandeen) Olympus

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Healing Up

Requested by BillDipWolfStar

After the meeting of Jakey from years ago he had him on his mind but soon he knew that he have to drop him out so his plain can happen.

Brandeen Mind- I have to drop it so my plain could work On sorry old "friend" But I can't see you again but I will keep my promise to stay alive.

Soon after the whole Ricarro thing happen the evil beans started doing there evil plains but soon the doom of everything started to happen to the evil around.

Momiji was turn back to normal by the help of most people in camp.

After that momiji necklace crack open where everyone power became huge beans of light and that is how they got Ricarro back with the help of Xylo of course.

Mario was able to control his dark part and they pretty much became brother with Bryan differed and Destroyed the rose for good.

Doom was killed by his sister and soon was lock up by Xylo magic with the help of his father of course.

And as for brandeen he was almost killed by lychee the one who he care for like a son.

*With brandeen and Lychee*

Lychee- This ends now

Brandeen- I see will then let end it then

Soon after a huge fight happen between them brandeen was almost killed before Brandeen told lychee something

Brandeen- I am so proud of you lychee

Lychee - Yes you too

Soon lychee Stab brandeen before leaving and brandeen soon woke up and use all his strength to fly.

Brandeen Mind- No I can't die yet I have one more person to see before I do past I hope he doesn't get mad

*With Jakey*

Jakey was practicing singing when he heard falling of wings and then a huge drop.

Jakey Mind- I wonder what was that?

When Jakey went to look he saw something that made him cry he say brandeen on the snow floor bleeding out

Jakey- BRANDEEN!? No No No This can't not be happening

Brandeen- * Grown in pain*

Jakey- He alive but I need to get him inside


Jakey was able to bandage up brandeen and lay him down on Jakey bed.

Jakey Mind- He hates water and the cold I will go get some more blankets so he won't get sick and cold

After Jakey left Brandeen started slow waking up.

Brandeen Mind- Ow my head what happen? Wait now I remembering I got into a fight with lychee and then I flew off to see Jakey

Soon Jakey came back with some blankets to see Brandeen awake.

Jakey- Oh My gosh Brandeen your awake

Brandeen - If course I am awake

Jakey - I thought I lost you

Brandeen- Look I find now thanks to you but it's kinda cold here so can I have those blankets pls

Jakey- Oh Of course

Soon Jakey have the blankets to brandeen.

Jakey- I should let you rest

Brandeen - No wait pls don't leave me alone

Jakey - Wha-

Brandeen- I mean can you stay with me a little bit pls

Jakey- If course I would love to

Soon Jakey stayed with brandeen until it went back and Jakey kinda past out on a chair

Brandeen Mind - He so cute when he past out

Soon brandeen grad Jakey and pull him into bed with him holding him close to his chest and raping his wings around him.

Brandeen Mind- Goodnight my snowflake I will see you in the morning

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now