Love Story between two werewolves (Xylo X Bryan) Supernatural

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The New Alpha

Requested by johnnyzink05

After Mario was turning into a monster he didn't want to hurt his pack like he have been doing in such a long time. He soon have his alpha rank to Xylo because he thought is would be safer that way.

Mario even explain to the pack that he was leaving the pack to find out how to stop becoming the monster that he is.

Mario- while I'm  gone Xylo will be the alpha of the pack and if they have questions they can ask him

Before leaving the pack not able to come back

Soon a few days had happened. Xylo was one of the best alphas in the group and even taking the job of making sure everything was fine threw his own way even though is was kinda stupid at times.

Through when that was happening what Xylo didn't know was that Bryan have been falling all over Xylo since he was omega. He wanted to tell him but at the same time he didn't want to loose his new alpha so after a few years had past Bryan got the courage to speak to xylo.

Bryan- Xylo

Xylo- Yes? You need something my beta

Bryan Mind - I like when he calls me that

Bryan- Why yes I wanted to tell you something for a while now but I was to scared that if I did you would hate me

Xylo- Oh Bryan I could never hate you after all you are my beta and no matter what happens you will always be that to me

Soon when Xylo said that Bryan went up to Xylo kissing him on the lips. It took a few seconds to realise what was happening to Xylo but when he did he started kissing him back showing that he had the same feeling for him in such a long time.

Bryan- I love you Xylo and I always had

Xylo- I love you too

Soon after Bryan and Xylo started kissing again not holding back the feeling that they had. Xylo soon pull Bryan into his lap shocking him. Xylo took that to his advantage and put his tongue  into bryan mouth exploring what's inside.

After a while of this happening Xylo was able to mark Bryan and making him become his mate. Of course after a while he became the alpha mate and started leading together not carrying in the world what gets in there way because they know they will be able to face tomorrow together no matter what.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now