Love Story between and actor and a famer (Xylo X Kay) OrginZ

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Requested by snofan

Its been a few months scents the zombie apocalypse had happen.

Xylo was greatly happy that kay and his sister was ok but not happy that his mom had to die from his own hands.

After a while xylo was talking to bri when he had a gut feeling that something was wrong with kay. He first just shake if off as being paranoid with everything but it had gone worse and worse.

Bri- Xylo what's wrong?

Xylo- I don't know I think I have to go

Bri- Ok then it was nice talking to you and not only that I am glad that you are still alive

Xylo- Ya me to hope to talk to you soon

Bri- Ya come and visit me when you get the chance to ok

Xylo- Ok I got it

After that xylo went and head back to safe heaven to tried to rest his head but he couldn't so he tried to relax but at the same time he couldn't do that either so he went looking for kay hoping that is the thing that can make his gut feeling stop.

While looking for her at her house he heard crying. He went to see who was crying and that is when he saw kay crying and right next to her was her horse trying to make her feel better

Xylo- Kay are you ok?

Kay- Xylo Is that you!?

Xylo- Yes it is me

Kay- Will you see I just saw the most horrible thing happen

Xylo- Really!? What happen?

Kay- You see there was this group who save my life.

Xylo- Wait REALLY!? Where are they?

Kay- That's the thing there all dead

Xylo- What happen?

Kay- After they save me there was this little kid. He was a sweet boy but when we were talking on of the person were bit and they started killing and biting the others. That scared the boy and me so we ran

Xylo- Where is the boy then?

Kay- He is in the house

Xylo- I see will its going to be ok

Xylo tried to make kay feel better he even crack a few jokes that made her laugh. After a while of them talking they both heard a door right behind them open up.

Ricarro- What is going on?

Xylo- So is this the boy that you were talking about?

Kay- Ya

Ricarro- Wait are you my new dad?

As soon as the boy said that it made xylo blush and kay blush

Kay- What no no no he not your dad

Ricarro-Then can you be my dad then. Kay was really upset and I saw you calming her down. I think you would be a wonderful dad

Xylo- Oh umm will you see

Kay- I think that's enough for the night and I think you should go to bed

Ricarro- Aww do I have to

Xylo- Ya its kinda getting really late and we don't want those monsters attacking you

Ricarro- Ok as long as he stay the night with us

Xylo- Umm will you see I have to go and

Kay- Deal

Ricarro- Yay mommy and daddy are going to sleep together

When ricarro said that it made both of them blush

Xylo- Do you think this is a good idea?

Kay- Will yes. Its getting late and the zombies can kill you if your not careful

Xylo- I gust. Fine

Ricarro- Yay

After that xylo ended up sleeping at kay place. While xylo was sleeping kay went aside of him and fell asleep on his shorter. Ricarro join in and went to sleep on there laps.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now