Love story between a leader and a farmer (Bryan X pat) OrginZ

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Can we talk pls
Shout out to RussiaAmaya

After the whole after math of everyone choosing the zombie side the coronal was kinda mad and even talk with xylo who kinda made him feel a little better but he was still upset about the fact that their was a zombie in the safe heaven and no one told him about it.

Bryan came to the safe heaven to drop off some food when he herd a huge sigh from up stares.

Bryan Mind- The coronal must be pretty upset about this. I going to go check on him

When the bryan finally got up he saw the coronal a little upset but he really didn't care for him the coronal was everything to him sent the very start when he met him.

Bryan- You ok their Mr. Coronal

Pat Mind- Oh no bryan is here I hope I didn't scare him

Bryan- I came up here because you got me a little worry when I here all the banging and smashing of things up here

Pat- Umm I'm fine just a little upset that all

Bryan- Why
*Bryan set a little closer to pat*

Pat- Because of that zombie inside my safe heaven

Bryan- Hey look he just like us you know. So what he eats brains and look a little different at least he give people here hope

Pat-True but he can-

*Bryan was walking slowly closer to him until he can touch his cheek before he can finish what he was going to say*

Bryan- look he mite be different from all of us but that doesn't mean you should kill or hurt him

*Pat relax his head in bryan warm hand*

Pat Mind- I hope that we can stay like this for a while

Pat- I gust your right but I just feel like I won't be able to keep everyone safe here and I don't know

*Bryan remove his hand from pat face*

Bryan- Pat you are important here as well to me and everyone here

*Pat blush a little when he said he was important to me and blush a little more when he said his name*

Bryan- So pls don't forget that

Pat- I won't

Bryan Mind- I feel much better that I made him happy

Pat Mind- I feel much better when he here

Both Mind- I hope it don't end

Bryan- Will I just I should go-

Pat- NO!

Bryan- Wait What?

Pat- Pls don't go can you stay with me for a while

Bryan- Sure why not

Pat and bryan soon started talking with each other and then this had happen

Bryan Mind- You know what I made the coronal happen and I mite not get another chance to do this so here we go

Bryan- Mr. coronal sir I have something on my mine

Pat- What is it?

Bryan blush a little- I like you a lot

*Pat blush when he said that*

Bryan- It's ok if you don't like me ba-

*Before bryan could even finish pat kiss him on the lips*

They been kissing for a few minutes before they both had to break apart to get some air.

Pat- I like you too and had always

Bryan- Really?

Pat- Yes. When the first time I met you I could tell that you were having a bad time just like I was but you kept moving forward. Your strong bryan and that is what I like most about you

Bryan- Oh pat

Pat soon kiss bryan once again with a little more force. Soon when their still kissing pat push bryan to his bed.

Pat and bryan got undress into nothing but their boxers and soon started kissing and cuttle- ing together until they both fell asleep into each other arms

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now