Love Story between a Shapeshifter & a Slayer (Marshie X Kit) Faryatil

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My Date With You

Required by Shadow_ecplise

Kit wanted to ask Marshie out on another date even if kit deeply knew that marshie will just see it as hanging out but what kit didn't know was that marshie was planing on going on there island to ask kit to hang out with her.

When she got there she was amazed and shock on how big and amazing there island is

Marshie Mind- Lucky how come they get all of this and are guild just get one building but hey I can't really complain scents that is the only place that I call home now hehehe just wish the guild leader leave me alone

*With Kit*

Kit Mind- Ok Ok Ok you got this all you need to do is go talk to

marshie can't be that hard right?

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Kit- Mmm wonder who can that be

When kit open the door she saw marshie and quickly blush at the sight of her but turn away before she was able to see it.

Kit- Oh umm marshie I didn't expect seeing you here on are island hehehehe

Marshie- Will I came to see you

Kit- Really!?

Marshie- ya it also let me get away from Allumos who been bugging me for some time now just glad that he not here to bug me

Kit- Oh

Marshie- and I came to see you

Kit- Wait Really!?

Marshie- Ya and I also wanted to do this as a thank you

That is when marshie came up to her and kiss her on the cheek making her blush

Marshie- Also I want to take you out to some dinner if you like that

Kit- Of course I would

Marshie- Ok than see you at around eight 'o clock

When they went on that date they talk about some sleepovers and party that they should have with the girls. But when kit walk marshie home marshie turn to kit kiss her on the lips for a second and-

Marshie- I had fun hope to do this again with you

Kit- Ya hehehe me too

Marshie- Bye kit

Kit- Oh ya umm bye

And just like that kit went home thanking about the amazing night she had before falling a sleep.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now