A Broken Heart Can Always Find Love

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Solis X Inpu Vs Inpu X Bryan

Bryan X Jakey

Origin Of Olympus

Requested by brakey4life

It was a normal day just like any day. Inpu was reading his book when Bryan knock on his door.

Inpu Mind- I wonder who could that be

When Inpu open the door he saw Bryan standing there looking happy

Bryan- Hey Inpu do you want to hang out with me today?

Inpu- Umm sure why not I would think that would be fun.

Soon Bryan and Inpu started to hang out together like a team. While hanging out Bryan can tell something was on Inpu Mind and that he want to tell Bryan something so bad but he scared

Inpu Mind- Just tell him Inpu just tell him

Bryan - Inpu? Everything ok?

Inpu- Bryan I want to ask you something

Bryan- Sure what would that be

Bryan Mind- Wait is this the day I get to have Inpu all to myself. Pls tell me he going to ask me out of anything

Inpu- Bryan I have a boyfriend

When Inpu said that Bryan can feel his heart broke into two. He love Inpu so much and now he now know that he won't be able to get his heart at all.

Bryan- Oh I see will then I going to gust your asking me you want to go to the boy

Inpu- Yes you are he can get in trouble a lot and I want to see if he ok

Bryan- Solis am I right?

Inpu- Yup sorry for-

Bryan- No it's fine go to him and

Inpu- Thank you

After Inpu left to go be by his boyfriend Solis Bryan started crying. He soon flew back to his house and started to cry into his pillow.

Bryan Mind- Why does it have to always be me

After a while of crying he heard someone at his door. He just Ignored it and kept crying until he heard the person voice

Jakey- Bryan? You there?

Bryan Mind - Jakey

Bryan - Go away

Jakey- Bryan I can hear you crying is everything ok?

Bryan- Yes everything is fine now can you go

Jakey Mind- No everything isn't find

When Jakey finally found Bryan who was in his bed crying he can tell that these years are from a broken heart.

Jakey- Bryan what happen?

Bryan - *sniff* I love this person in camp but I was to slow to ask him out and now he have a boyfriend

Jakey Mind - Oh Bryan

Soon Jakey dat on his bed and started petting Bryan head. Soon Bryan pull Jakey in for a hug. Jakey just rock Bryan back and forth until he finally fell asleep on his arms.

Jakey Mind- No matter what happens Bryan I will always love you no matter what the cost is I will be by your side and helping you go threw this pain no matter what

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now