Love story between two demi gods (Tobias X Belle) DnD Pt: 1

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Nightmares From Father

Tales of Olympus

Requested by Bearer_of_Dragons

After a long day on the train and belle coming back in her own way. As well as them getting ready to fight some monsters belle couldn't help but have horrible dreams about her and her friends fighting to the death and even dieing.

She didn't like seeing that at all and when she always wake uo in the middle of the night she would just take a midnight walk until the sun come up.

Belle acted like everything was normal but deep down she knew that it was truly a lie.

*A day later*

Belle had the nightmares again when she heard someone from outside her door. When she look she saw Tobias grabbing a midnight snack.

Belle- Oh he-hey tobias

Tobias- Belle? Why are you awake?

Belle- Well I can ask you the same thing

Tobias- Well I woke up from a nightmare and just came down to get something to eat before going back to sleep you?

Belle- Wait you had a nightmare too!?

Tobias- Well yes I did wait is this why you look tired yesterday?

Belle- Yes

Tobias- Would you like to talk about it?

Belle- Ya I think I would love that

After that they both set down outside under the bright moonlight. Belle explain her nightmare to tobias expecting to be laugh at or him just slapping it on a shoulder like it was nothing but she got something else then that

Tobias- Well that horrible but you do know that everyone is strong in there own ways right? Even you

Belle- Wait Really!?

Tobias- Yes don't loose fate in us ok. We are all strong and as long as we all stay together as a team nothing can stop us from helping the world

Belle- Thank you tobias

Tobias- Anytime I am always here is you need to talk

Belle- So what was your nightmare about?

Tobias- Well it was a nightmare from my past. I didn't have the best life you know like living off the streets. My father who is a rich man kick me out of my home when I was six years old but soon thanks to my mom I was able to survive.

Belle- Oh tobias I didn't

Tobias- No no no its ok

That is when belle can tell that tobias wanted to cry. Belle grab tobias and hug him. Tobias was shock at this but soon hug back.

After that tobias was about to go to his room when Belle grab tobias hand and yelled wait

Tobias- Belle?

Belle- Can you sleep with me tonight just tonight

Tobias- You sure? I don't want to over come my welcome that all

Belle- Yes I am 100% sure I want you to stay

Tobias- Ok?

That is when belle drag tobias to her room and lock the door.

Tobias knew that she loved cute and fluffy stuff but when she lay in her fort of stuff animals she pull tobias in with it.

This made tobias blush as belle rap her arms around tobias like he was a teddy bear and for the rest of the night they slept peacefully together.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now