Love story between two dragon slayers (Bryan X Allumos) Fairytail

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Joining The Guild

Requested by DANIELLEASHLEYCAMERO & MelanieMercado247 & Smallbean2030

After the day that Bryan left the guild was the day Jakey and him broke up. It was hard for both of them but they did agree to stay friends.

When Bryan head to the guild he wasn't a lone Davis have also agree to join the same guild because he also wanted to be stronger and helpful for the up coming danger that comes.

When they were finally able to get into the guild Bryan and Davis started to train a lot but after a while Davis just left Bryan for him to train on his own.

At first it wasn't too bad but soon things gotten worse and worse for the boy to the point that he wanted to not train at all.

Allumos saw this and started training Bryan and after a while they started to get close. Bryan was getting stronger and allumos had a friend that was there for him no matter what happen.

*Few Days Later*

Allumos and Bryan were training for a while now when they both heard something from the mountains.

Bryan- What was that?

Allumos- I don't know my dear boy but I think we should go and check it out

Bryan- I can agree on you with that one

When they got to the spot they both saw a cave cover in ice and snow and it seem that the cave was Freezing over as well.

While they got closer Bryan and Allumos both started to feel huge amount of power coming from the cave.

Bryan- Should we go in?

Allumos- Of course my dear boy what ever power is coming from this cave can be a threat later on

Bryan- I gust I can agree to that

When they both went inside the cave it was like a freezer the only thing about this though was that Bryan couldn't feel anything while allumos started to feel cold a little bit. While looking around that is when they saw it. A huge dragon seem to be an ice one was sleeping in a pile of silver.

Allumos started to walk closer to it when it woke up with anger

Ice Dragon- Why are you in my den? I am trying to sleep

Allumos- Another dragon I see will then sorry to wake you up but you need fly away

Ice dragon- And why should I do that?

Bryan- Allumos it seems like the dragon is just minding its own Business we need to leave

Ice dragon- The fire boy is right you know. You guys need to leave I just want to sleep my days away

That is when the dragon look into allumos eyes and ice dragon roar at him freezing him in place. He soon tail whip allumos out of his cave before turning to the fire boy who was running right after him.

Ice Dragon- Before you go fire boy tell your slayer fried that not all dragons want to fight.

Bryan- Well do

When Bryan finally got to allumos he was frozen in place.

Bryan Mind- That dragon is powerful but lets hope that I can at least in Freeze allumos just a little bit

After that Bryan started to warm allumos up for him to at least carry him back to his house. When Bryan lay allumos onto his bed he started to use his fire slayer magic more to warm up allumos.

Allumos- Ow where am I?

Bryan- Allumos your awake thank god I was so worry about you

Allumos- I'm fine now thanks to you if you didn't warm me up I think I would be a popsicle by now

That is when bryan hug allumos who was sitting up now with tears in his eyes.

Bryan- You worry me

Allumos- Oh umm hehehe well I'm fine now

Allumos mind- Even though this does feel nice

After a while of hugging each other allumos pull Bryan onto the bed with him making Bryan blush.

Bryan- oh umm allumos what are you doing?

Allumos- Oh umm hehehe your just so warm

Bryan- Oh well I am a fire dragon slayer after all

Allumos- Well I am glad you were able to save me Bryan because I don't want to make you feel upset or sad

Bryan- Oh umm its ok its ok

After that allumos turn to Bryan and kiss him making the fire bot heat up more.

Allumos- I like you Bryan and I want to be by your side for the rest of your life

Bryan- Well I feel the same way about you too

Soon after that they both fell asleep into each other arms happy to know that they a like each other in the same way.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now