Love Story between Two demi gods (Xylo X Kayla) Olympus PT: 1

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The Return

Requested by TheGreenPhantom

Its been almost a year scents xylo was sent to the underworld. Kay hated that she wasn't able to go with him and she hated that she felt so weak because of that. After a while of kay dating mario things were not going what they like so they broke up but they did agree to stay friends.

During that year kay have been thinking about xylo more and more. She wanted to with xylo so bad but she couldn't because she was stuck up in the over world while xylo is fighting creatures in the underworld.

Right before kay started dating mario xylo had feeling for her. Even through she did bad thing to him he did still care for her. He couldn't stop thinking about her from the underworld. The day he left her was the day that broke xylo heart. Even through xylo hurd about mario and kay were dating he didn't like that he was away from his friends, from his own family.

*A year past*

Kay was taking a walk to clear her head when the gate open. What she saw was xylo with two other men. She couldn't hold herself when she saw him so she ran up to him giving him a hug. Ricorro did join in with the hug to make him feel like he is part of the family.

Kay starts to cry- I-I thought you were dead. I thought I would never see you again. I- I

Xylo- Shh its ok its ok

Ricorro- Xydad who is this

Kay- My name is kay. And did he just called you Xydad

Xylo- Ya oh ya this is my brother but can we go in we can catch up from in there

When they got inside xylo brother ran off to find his room while xylo and kay catch up. Ricorro follow them to the stage area.

Kay- Xylo you may not no this but mario and I broke up a few weeks ago

Xylo- Really!?

Kay- Ya it wasn't working out so we can stay as friends

Xylo- Welp that's great to hear

Kay- Also-

*Kay getting really close to xylo*

Kay- I love you xylo. I know if you don't have the same feeling for me that ok-

*xylo kiss kay*

While they were kissing ricorro jumps out a bush.

Ricorro- Ya Mommy and daddy are together now

*Kay and xylo blush when he said that*

Kay- Will then if this make me your mom then we all are a happy family right Xylo

Xylo- I gust so

Ricorro, xylo, and Kay soon had a family hug now knowing that they all are family now.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now