Love story between two demi gods (Kay X Mario) Olympus

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Mario Are You Jealous

Requested by KarlaMMelndezNegrn

When Xylo got back to camp he was glad to see a few campers that he knows still working there.

He wanted to catch up on things so he have been hanging around Kay a lot. After some time of this Mario started getting jealous of this. For some reason he was thing the man that got them together will take Kay away from him so problems started to happen around camp.

Storms slowly appear around camp. When he see Xylo he would spark up a lot and even Xylo see this. Xylo trying telling Mario that everything is fine and nothing is happening between them but man he didn't even believe him. Soon Xylo had anoff of Mario jealousy so he went to kay for help.

Xylo- Hey Kay can you help me pls

Kay- What's wrong?

Xylo- Will you know how we have been hanging out together a lot

Kay- Ya

Kay Mind - I hope he isn't getting to that point

Xylo- Will your boyfriend Mario is kinda getting jealous

Kay Mind - That was close for a second I thought he wait-

Kay- Mario is jealous of you because your around me

Xylo- Yes. I think he thinks that I'm going to take you away from him

Kay- What!? That's crazy talk your the man that put us together

Xylo- Yes but we have been hanging out a long and what was the last time you hang out with Mario

Kay- Oh no your so right. I haven't hang out little or known talk to Mario at all. I am a horrible girlfriend

Xylo- no your not you just made a mistake that's all. You wanted to catch me up on things and I have been telling my problems to you it's just you hand a lot more things in your hand

Kay- true

Xylo- So why not talk to him now?

Kay- Your right thanks Xylo I'm going to go talk to him right now but the only thing is that I need to find him first

Xylo- He most likely be at his cabin

Kay- Thanks Xylo

Xylo- No problem now go make things right and make sure he knows I would never do a thing like that

Kay- Don't worry I won't

After that Kay left to go talk to mario. When she got to his cabin he was talking to daisy and trying to keep his cool.

Kay- Mario?

Mario- Kay!? I didn't expect to see you hear

Kay- I came he to see you and talk a little but when I was going to talk to you xylo came to me

Mario- Really!?

Mario Mind- So he is going to kay to protect him great

Kay- And he told me that your kinda scaring him so what's up?

Mario- *sigh* I didn't mean to scar him

Kay- Really!? Because you have threaten him and have shown your power to him a lot

Mario- Oh really!? Hehehe

Mario Mind- I kinda did that I might have to say sorry to him later

Kay- So why you did that? I thought you were better than that

Mario- Its just that I hated that you were hanging out with him more than me

Kay- Wait mario are you jealous?

Mario- Ya I gust you can say that

Kay- But Why? Do you really think the man that help us get together would take me away?

Mario- Will?

Kay- MARIO you know xylo would never do that so why?

Mario- Like I said I was jealous and I didn't have the right mind

Kay- That doesn't make it right

Mario- I know

Kay- You have to say your sorry to him you know

Mario- I know

Kay- But its not all your fault its also my fault. I should have known that you would feel that way im sorry about that

Mario- I gust we both do bum things

Kay- Ya

After a while of them talking they head back to where xylo was who was just reading a book. Mario apology to xylo who hug him after that. He was worry that he lost a close friend to this but he is glad he didn't. Soon all three of them started hanging out and they all started feeling free together now.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now