Love Story Between two Wizards (Devin X Ritchie) Fairytail

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Im Always here for you

Required by Shadow_ecplise

Before we start can I point out that the fact that it is Devin have feeling for Ritchie in the real role-playing. OMG Is this really happening. But my sister did point out a point which will make me sad if its true.

She said Ritchie Might still have feeling for flurry even though it kind of pointed out that Ritchie doesn't have the strongest feeling for her anymore. Sure he might still have feeling for her but I have a feeling that Ritchie knows that flurry will not get back with him anytime soon but lets stop talking about that and get into the ship shall we.

It was a normal day like the others. Devin couldn't help but look out on Ritchie castle thinking about a way to get home. He hated seeing Ritchie being sad away from his son and wanted to help him but he knew that finding a way home is laid like finding a special coin within 1000 of other coins. Its not impossible but very hard and could take days.

Devin- I better get to bed

That is when Devin started walking to the rooms when he heard screaming. When he look he saw Mr. diablo fighting with Ritchie again but this time he wasn't alone. It seems that there was a woman right next to him looking at Ritchie with an angry face.

Devin tried his best to lesson in on what's going on but he knew that if he gets caught he can be in huge trouble so he tried to walk past the room but sadly the woman notice him and pointed him out.

Francesca- I am going to gust this is one of your friend from the other world

*points to Devin*

Ritchie- Devin?

Devin- Oh I am very sorry to walk in to your conversation I was just heading to bed so-

Ritchie- That great I will come with you

Sorin- No you are not

Ritchie- And why is that dad

Sorin- Well we have a lot to talk about

Devin- Ritchie its fine I can walk to the rooms by myself

Francesca- See the poor boy can walk all by himself he doesn't need a prince like you to take him to his room now what are you waiting for boy MOVE

Devin- y-yes mam

That is when Ritchie ran up to Devin and grad his hand making Devin jump at first but soon released it was Ritchie

Ritchie- No I am going to take him to my room for the night

Devin- Ritchie you don't have to-

Sorin- And why is that?

Ritchie- Well I am going to talk to him

Francesca- What your going to talk to a peasant and not your family

Ritchie- First of all your not marrying my brother we both think your crazy and second of all we didn't choose to be here. We just came here to fix my brother and leave but I gust are dad had other plans

Before anymore fighting Ritchie grab Devin in his arms and started walking away making Devin blush a little bit until they got into his room.

Devin- So I am going to gust that your family is not happy that we are staying here

Ritchie- Yes they are but they can't choose what we want as besides I did need to talk to you about a few things that been going on

Devin- Sure Ritchie I will always be here for you

That is when Ritchie started talking about all his problems to Devin. He soon started making Ritchie feel much better and even made him smile but Ritchie soon notice Devin was about to past out so he grab him and pull him to the bed.

*Devin blush a little*

Devin- Ritchie what are you doing?

Ritchie- I can see that your really tired and we do have a long day for tomorrow so why don't you get some rest.

Devin- But this is your bed I should go to the gust rooms right?

Ritchie- Yes that true but I can tell you are really tired so get some rest I have to do some stuff anyways before I go to bed

Devin- Ok if you say so

That is when Devin fell fast to sleep while Ritchie went to talk to his brother about what happen with Francesca trying to find him which he thank Ritchie and wish him the best of luck with father.

When Ritchie came back to his room he saw Devin fell fast to sleep and he couldn't help but smile.

Ritchie- Goodnight Devin sweet dreams.

*Kiss him on the forehead*

Soon after that Ritchie went into the same bed and pull Devin a little closer to him before he fell fast to sleep for the rest of the night.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now