Love Story between two demi gods ( Bryan X Mario) Olympus Pt: 2

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He Changing

Requested by shawdythepanda & DANIELLEASHLEYCAMERO

It became the next morning. Bryan was the one who woke up first to here foot steps coming his way. Bryan wanted to run but he saw Mario sleeping in his lap so he kept his guard up. what he didn't know the person who was coming at them was xylo.

Xylo- Bryan!?

Bryan- Oh Hi Xylo umm can you help me a little bit

Xylo- With what? And is that Mario

Bryan- I bet you came out here to look for Mario so can you not tell the camp that I am not here pls. I don't want to cause a panic like I did last year

Xylo- Your changing

Bryan- I am but I don't think camp is for me

Mario- No it is

That is when bryan look down to see Mario waking up from his nap.

Mario- You do belong to camp everyone does if there changing

Bryan- I don't know

Xylo- Look Bryan I know I might be still a little bit mad at you but I am going to stay this your changing ok and I understand that your scared but everything is going to be alright

Mario- Yes also Xylo when did you get back at camp?

Xylo- Yesterday. Aren't you dating kay?

Mario- We kinda broke up because is wasn't working out

Xylo- I see will then I am going to leave you love birds alone

Mario and Bryan soon blush when he said that

Bryan- Love birds

Xylo- Bye

Mario- I gust he isn't that wrong

Bryan- Wait what?

Mario- Bryan look I know your a nice guy and everything but I fell in love with our when I got out of camp. I love you Bryan and I know your changing so pls come back to camp for me at least

Bryan- Ok Ok I will and I love you too Mario

After that they went to camp and you can gust Kayla wasn't happy at first but soon ended up giving in After a few days of Bryan helping around with camp.

As for Bryan and Mario they started dating but the only person that knew this was xylo. They wanted to keep it a secret for a while so people won't start yelling at them for no good reason.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now