Love story between a sword & a god (Evil Bryan X Drannus) Olympus

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The First Meeting

Requested by FilmArtistsquad

After drannes finish the sword and that whole thing with evil bryan meeting him happen he went to fly off to get a little revenge by bryan but the thing that he didn't know was that there would be a surprise for him there.

E. Bryan- Will then I have finally return to that brat home

Drannus- Would not say that

E. Bryan- Who there

When drannus show up out of no where it made the boy or should I say sword blush

Drannus- It seems that I catch your attention

E. Bryan- Wait are you-

Drannus- The one that free you yes I am

E. Bryan- But why?

Drannus- Because of three reasons

E. Bryan- And those are?

Drannus- For one you can help me make doom go around the world together

E. Bryan- That kinda seems fun

Drannus- Next we can work together as a team. If you need something I will try my best to help you and when I need something you try your best to help me

E. Bryan- That does kinda sound about right and about the third reason?

That is when drannus walk over to evil bryan and put his hand on his face

Drannus- The final reason is because I need a mate a lover one could say and I thought maybe your be the perfect lover

E. Bryan- You really mean that?

Drannus- Of course or else I will not be this close

Soon drannus pull evil bryan in for a kiss which he does kiss back of course. This day made the sword so happy that is can break and come back all over again.

After the talk and the kiss Drannus had to go but of course he gave his lover a kiss goodbye before he left and they both did there own things.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now