Love story between A god & demon slayer (Luke X Brandon) Fairytail

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My feeling for a crush

Person who expired me to wright this is Phoenix_Fire11 thank you for the amazing love story's.

Come check her out

For those who wonder Luke is Lucas. Luke is a small nick name I have for him.

Brandon was trying to do some paper work when he hears someone down started going back and forth over and over again.

Brandon thought that the person would stop at some point but that soon came from a few minute to a hour of this person going back and forth over and over again.

Brandon finally had it and flew down to see who was making all that notice.

When brandon finally can down he saw luke moving back and forth and it seams something is bugging him.

Brandon- Luke is their something wrong

Luke turn to brandon and soon became red in the face

Luke- I'm fine

Brandon is not buying luke lie so he started walking forward

Luke notice this and starts walking backwards

Brandon- Luke your lying tell me the truth what's wrong

Luke was started to shake and soon blotted to the door. When luke was running to the door brandon grad him and flew up were the S class missions were at.

Brandon wasn't going to let go of luke anytime soon

Luke started to shaking and start to cry. Brandon saw this and release his grip a little. That is when luke took the chance to run for it.

Luke broke out of brandons huge to only be trap in a air bubble.

Brandon took luke again and huge him tighter not wanting to let go.

Luke soon huge him back and started crying.

Brandon took luke and started making circles around his back trying an effort to calm him down.

Luke shaking started slowing down and luke finally calm down and brandon was able to let him go a little.
Brandon wipe off the tears that luke had and ask him

Brandon in a calm voice- Luke what's wrong why are you crying

Luke still crying a little bit- My feeling are all out of control.

Luke- I feel like I'm going to have my heat break any second now.

Brandon soon notice that luke was about to cry again that is where brandon took luke in his arms again.

Brandon didn't want to let go of luke but soon luke mumble about something in brandon chest.

Brandon pull away and look into luke beautiful

Brandon in a soft voice again holding luke still with on hand to make sure he doesn't try to run off

Brandon- What was that?

Luke- I think I know why I'm acting like this

Brandon looking at luke- What's the problem made I can help

Luke look up and brandon and told him with his face turning red- I think I feeling for a crush but I don't think they want me here at all

Brandon not trying to get angry and start crying himself ask him- Why would you say that

Luke- I really don't know why I would even stay that he is an amazing person who care for others and who also cares for his brother no matter what the problem is

When luke said "brother" Brandon heart skip a beep.

Brandon- Can you tell me more about your crush

Luke- Will he is amazing and would care for other no matter what. He would drop everything just to help someone else.

Brandon is now realising that luke mite have a crush on his brother or on himself.

Brandon- Do you have a crush on Ritchie?

Luke- No I don't have a crush on him I have a crush on someone else who is just as hard working and amazing as he is though

Luke notice that brandon wasn't lessoning anymore so he try to get out of Brandon arm to only be push into a kiss.

Luke was shot at first but soon started kissing back.

After they were done they pull apart from each other gasping for air.

Brandon- I love you to luke I always had a crush on you but I didn't really want to show it so that's why I been acting more could to you than to anyone here. I didn't mean to make you cry.

Luke notice a tear that form on brandon face.

Luke wipe the tear and started kissing him again.

Brandon kiss back and was asking to let in.

Luke let brandon tongue in his mouth not leaving an inch not explore.

Brandon did end up grabbing and picking up luke and flew to his room where they can have more privatise.

Brandon lay luke onto his bed and started cuttle-ing with him.

Brandon went on top of luke and started kissing him on the mouth.

Brandon and luke didn't let go of each other and soon fell asleep in each other arms.

Richie did came in the room at some point to see brandon finally got the person who he love.

Richie did take a picture of them and in the morning luke wake up to see him stuck in brandon arms.

Luke can tell brandon didn't want to let go so he did fell back to sleep where brandon woke up to see the person who he have been dreaming of sleeping with is finally with him.

Brandon pick up the sleepy luke and put him down onto himself so he will know when luke wakes up.

Richie was the one who did wake both of them up by picking up luke which Brandon feels and he gets up.
Brandon fights with Ritchie with luke still being in Ritchie arms.

Luke awakes up to sew Ritchie holding him.

Luke-* Yawns* what's going to and why is Ritchie holding me.

Brandon walks up to his brother grab luke out of his brothers had and lay back into bed with him.

Richie ended up letting them win and they spend the whole day cuttle-ing each other

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now