Love Story Between Two demi Gods (Moto X Mania) Olympus

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The Enceinte

Requested By KarlaMMelndezNegrn

After a long day of trying to control her powers she wanted to calm down a little so she went to the enceinte to calm down.

She made sure that the boys weren't inside because she have an idea that her brother might be mad. After a while if her chilling inside the bath house someone was coming inside.

Mania Mind- Oh No

Moto- Will its time to melt my troubles away

When moto went inside he saw mania who been just trying to calm down a little.

Moto- Oh hi umm mania I didn't know you were going to be in here

Mania- Ya I was about to leave soon sorry about that

Moto- Oh no no no no its ok I don't mind

Mania- But I don't want you to get in trouble with my brother

Moto- I think I would be find

Mania- Ok

Moto- So why did you come here anyway?

Mania- Oh I just had a long day and I wanted to just calm down that all

Moto- Do you want to talk about it?

Mania- Umm will you know how I am trying to control my powers

Moto- Ya

Mania- Will they did the something to me again

Moto- What blowing in your face?

Mania- Ya

Moto- Did you ask you brother for help yet?

Mania- Umm no will at least no yet

Moto- Why not?

Mania- I really don't know. He could help me out a lot but I gust I really don't want to bother him.

Moto- I don't think that. He might have things to do sure but I bet he would love to help his own sister out.

Mania- You really mean that?

Moto- Of course. I bet he would do anything for you

Mania- Thank you moto moto

Moto- No need. I'm just happy to help that's all

After a while of them talking they started to hear foot steps. Moto Moto thinks it must be davis but man he was wrong. The person that walked in was Irow mania brother

Mania- Oh Hello there

Irow- Oh hello can I talk to moto for a little bit

Mania- Oh sure I was about to go anyway. Bye moto moto it was nice talking to you

Moto- Ya it was nice talking to you to

Right before mania walk away she whispered into her brother ear to not kill him which he promise not to kill him

After that mania saw burn marks on moto moto. Pretty much what moto moto had told her Irow had burn him for being inside a bath with his sister. Mania just laugh because even through she knows that her brother was trying to protect her its kinda funny that it turn out that way but she is going to talk to her brother later.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now