Love Story Between a witch & a Werewolf ( Rea X Xylo) Supernatural

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A witch heart

Requested by AstroMike

It was a normal everyday day for rea. She had to do some work with potions and try her best to forget about the monkey.

She really didn't care he had died but she does care that the monkey did help her a lot and even gave her a few things that shouldn't be able to do alone.

Of course she was kinda upset that he die but what are you going to do.

But soon after the death of the monkey happen xylo always check on rea to see if she ok and everything.

This started for a few days and at first rea was kinda upset but soon she started to grow happy that proud that xylo would always check up on her it make her feel good.

Soon after rea started to have feeling for xylo but she didn't know how to say them.

*A few weeks*

Its been a few weeks rea been trying to have the courage to tell xylo she love him but she just too scare

Xylo- Rea?

Rea- Yes!?

Xylo- You ok?

Rea- Yes I am perfectly find hehehe

Xylo- Are you sure you seem a little upset

Rea- Yes im sure

Xylo- Ok then. Hey rea I was wondering if we could hang out today

Rea- Sure why not

Soon rea and xylo started to hang out with each other. Rea didn't know why but she feel like its a date and sure was she right because where xylo took her was where no one knew where it was at.

Rea- Wow what is this place?

Xylo- Will you see have I ever told you about my past?

Rea- No what happen?

Xylo- I was kick out of the pack because I believe that vampires and werewolves could get along but they didn't think so but I soon prove them wrong

Rea- I see

Rea Mind- hehehe I wonder what the alpha face was like?

Xylo- Anyways I took you out here to tell you something

Rea- Really what is that?

Xylo- You see we been friends for a while now and I I I was hoping that you could be my girl-

Before xylo could finish rea took xylo head and kiss him making the wolf boy tail wag. Rea think its cute because even through she have the same feeling she didn't have to say it and also it was cute seeing a wolf pup telling her his feeling.

Rea- I love you too my cutie

Xylo- Really!?

Rea- Yes I do and I want to stay with you

Soon xylo and rea started holding hands and was looking at the night sky.

Rea- No matter what happens I will always love you

Xylo- Thanks I love you too

Soon they pull to each other in for a kiss. Kissing under the moon goddess sky showing there love and care to the world.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now