Love Story between two demi gods (Xylo X Jyles) Olympus

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An Everyday Day

Requested by pinkpy55

Jyles was reading a book and doing normal stuff when jyles heard some people fighting about something. Jyles look who was fighting and it was the hades brothers xylo and brick.

Brick- You broke the sword!?

Xylo- I did ok so drop it

Brick- No I won't were did you hide the peaces?

Xylo- I don't know there in the underworld somewhere its not my problem anymore ok

Brick- Grr

Soon brick left and xylo walk away from that fight but before xylo left brick blasted something at xylo before running away.

Jyles Mind- What was that fight about? A sword why don't he just get a new one

Jyles thought that xylo will be ok and was about to leave when jyles saw xylo falls to the ground and only thin he realise what the brick fella shoot at him. It was a sting blase but only people who can do lighting can only do that so he doesn't know how the son of Hades could do that but that didn't matter.

He soon took xylo back at his place where he kept an eye on the boy

Xylo- Ow my head

Jyles- Why does it you get in trouble a lot?

Xylo- I don't know jyles

Xylo was about to get up when jyles put his hands on xylo

Jyles- That not a smart idea

Xylo- What do you mean?

Jyles- I mean that you can hurt yourself if you do that darling so be a dear and lay back down

Xylo- but I have my own room

When xylo tried to get up Jyles grad xylo and put his head on his lap.

Jyles- Now sweet heart I know you hate me but let me take care of you

Xylo- Find but if you try anything

Jyles- I won't I promise

Soon jyles slowing started taking care of the boy feeding him food and even keeping him relax but when it was getting dark jyles did want xylo to leave so he made sure to lade xylo on his lap and smile

Jyles Mind- Even through you might hate me for no good reason I do care for you xylo. I would make sire noting happen to you so goodnight my little puppy.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now