Love story between two demi gods (Solis X Inpu) Olympus

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The Sun shines Bright

Requested By shawdythepanda

It was a bright beautiful day outside. Inpu was at the pool area reading his book when Solis was running out of the room with tears in his eyes.

Inpu- Solis What's wrong?

When Solis turn to see inpu he ran trying to get away from the area. When inpu saw Solis trying to run inpu use his magic and trip him from the shadows which hurd him really bad.

Inpu- Solis why are you running.

Solis- I c-c-can't say

Inpu- Solis are you ok? You seem upset

Solis- I- I lost someone important to me

Inpu- How so.

Solis- You see mask girl she ran off somewhere and now I can't find her.

Inpu- I think everything is find ok I bet you will find him

Inpu Mind- Even through I care for you more than you think

Solis- No No No I found her but she with another guy and then I- I - I had a nightmare that night too

Inpu- So this was a few nights ago wasn't

Solis- *Nods*

Inpu- *Sigh* I wish you told me earlier I could of told you

Inpu started walking up to solis slowly while he is trying to get up but he feels pain when he does.

When inpu got closer to Solis he slowly pick up solis and started taking him to his room.

*At solis room*

When inpu got to solis room he place him down on his bed and that is where scar come out of no where and jump onto him.

Solis- Scar it hurts pls get off

When solis said that scar got off of him and ran out of the room.

Inpu- Solis your be find ok let me heal you

After a while of inpu healing solis it was getting late and inou was about to leave when solis yelled-

Solis- Wait pls don't go I need you

Inpu- Im right next to your room ok all you need to do is yell for me

Solis- No I want you to stay with me and- And

Inpu- And?

Solis- I want you to sleep with me

When solis said that it made inpu blush hard but he knew that solis was asking more to it.

Inpu- Find I will sleep with you

After that day of inpu and solis sleeping together they became boyfriend & boyfriend. While there were dating scar was kinda making cassie regret what she did to his friend.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now