Love story between a demi god & a human (Cassie X Solis) Olympus

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Your Everything but ugly

Solis was playing around with everything when inpu came up to him.

Inpu- Solis

Solis- Ya?

Inpu- Im going out. Pls for the love of god stay here. I don't want you to cause any trouble

Solis- Fine

After a few hours of inpu leaving solis got bored and wanted to explore the area more.

Solis Mind- If I leave then inpu is going to get mad at me and hit me with a book but im so bored. No what how about I leave for a while and then come back right before inpu knows that I was gone. That's a smart plain

Solis soon left and started to explore around the area. After a while of looking around soils saw something that made him want to check it out so he did.

Cassie Mind- *Sigh* why does I have to look like this. Im a monster that shouldn't even be here

After a while of looking around solis hurd splashing and went to check it out. When he got there he saw the mask lady crying and covering her own face

Solis Mind- Why is she so upset?

Solis- Umm

Cassie- Oh umm hi solis

Soils- You ok?

Cassie- Ya im find

Solis knew that she was lie-ing so he went up to her and sit right next to her on the doct.

Solis- Cassie I can tell when someone lies to me. What's wrong?

Cassie- Fine I can tell you but you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone

Solis- Ok I promise

Cassie- Ok

*Cassie took off her mask to reveal the scar that she had scents she was born*

Cassie- See this. Im ugly and a monster. No one would love me and would see me as a failure to life. I don't understand why I was born in this world.

Solis- Your not ugly your beautiful

Cassie- Wait really?

Soils- Ya. Your so manny things but ugly. You beautiful, smart, and even more. I bet that someone in this world would love you for being yourself

Cassie- Really?

Soils- Yes

After talking for a while solis had made cassie believe that no matter what you look like your beautiful in your own way. It soon had gotten dark but solis didn't care if he gets hit by the book because right now he is with someone who is special to him.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now