Love Story between two demi gods (Xylo X Ned) Olympus

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Holding Close

In was a beautiful day outside. Ned was sleeping under a nice tree when he heard someone running to the front gate. When ned look he saw xylo running out of the gate.

Ned Mind- Where is he going?

Ned follow him to austin grave he saw something that he have never seen before. He saw xylo crying.

After a while of ned watching from a far he saw xylo laid on the floor and fell asleep next to the grave of where his older brother was.

Ned Mind- I never knew xylo felt that way.I didn't even know xylo blames himself because of what happen.

That is where ned came up to xylo and took him back to camp. He really didn't want anyone to know and find that grave because of xylo.

After a while ned didn't was xylo to catch a cold so he went back to his tree and fell asleep with xylo in his arms where they both lay under the sky that shinning over them.

When xylo finally got up he saw something that he didn't believe

Xylo Mind- ummm why am I here I thought I was at austin grave and wait who is holding me

When xylo turn his face turn bright red to see ned holding him close to his body.

Xylo Mind- How did I get here? And why is ned holding me close

Ned- *Mumbles*

Xylo Mind- Does he sleep talk?

Ned- *Mumbles* Xylo *Mumbles* You *Mumbles*

Xylo Mind- Is he dreaming about me but why?

After a while of Xylo lessening to ned sleep talk he started to blush when he put everything together.

Xylo Mind- I can't believe it ned loves me

Xylo- I love you too

when Xylo said that ned started to blush in his sleep

Xylo Mind- I gust sleeping here tonight isn't that bad

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now