Love story between A Dragon & Demon Slayer (Mario X David) Fairytail

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Panic Attack

It just like a normal day in the guild hall. Everyone talking with each other and just showing that they are having a good time until a fight soon came out.

Luke and David was fighting with each other until it got to the point luke push dave face first into mario making them kiss.

Mario pull david away from him as fast as he could before running off.

Luke mind- Oh no

David- What was that about did I do something wrong

Kit- No you didn't but I think someone should go check on him.

David- Why

Ritchie- I think that was mario first kiss

David mind- Oh no

David- I will go

Luke- Are you sure?

David- Yes

*David left as soon as he could*

Luke and kit look at each other before kit saying

Kit- I think their going to do it luke

Luke- I think so to

Brandon- What do you mean?

Luke & Kit- NOTHING! We said nothing

Ritchie- Sure you didn't

*With Mario*

Mario have run into the garden catching his breath until he herd dave running after him

David- Mario what's wrong?

Mario didn't say anything bit just ran off farther in the garden.
David ran after him trying to see what is wrong until he finally catch up to him to see him on the floor in a ball having a panic attack.


Mario didn't say anything he was breathing in and out moving back in forth

David- Calm down it just me

*David put his hand on mario hand*

David- We can get threw this together ok so just calm down

Dave had to set with mario for a couple of hours until mario fell asleep into david arms

David Mind- Your so cute

David pick up mario and took him back at his place where he lay him down on his bed

David got "Dress" with nothing on like normal and went to sleep with mario in his hand

Mario soon woke up in the middle of the night to see dave with no clothes on other than his boxers right next to him sleeping

Mario Mind- So this is how he sleeps

Mario found some of his boxers and put them on him before felling back to sleep in his arms.

Story's From The Origins Groups (One Shot) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now